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Nitro Wiki

XxRed_DevilxX is a player who is well known for becoming the first person to earn the "Verified TikToker" title by running a popular TikTok account dedicated to Nitro Type. He was also the first player to earn titles with rarities such as “Common” and “Epic”, and is one of the few owners of the "Sp3llchekcer" title.


XxRed_DevilxX joined Nitro Type on January 27, 2020. Starting in 2021, he would begin to have more community presence, such as joining the wiki in February 2021. He created his TikTok account soon after and made his first post on April 16, 2021. He has only posted Nitro Type content since. He slowly gained followers on the account, eventually reaching 1,000 followers on March 13, 2022. On March 17, 2022, a title was created commemorating this achievement and he became the first person to earn it. Since then, he has continued to maintain activity on his TikTok account and remains an active member of the community.
