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Another Gift for Gold Members

12/11/17 11:48AM By Travis

Xmaxx Update: Another Gift for Gold Members!

The days are flying by in our scrumptiously sweet Xmaxx event! There are now just 19 days left to score our sweetest cars of the year.

If you’re just joining us now, click here to find out how to join the epic Xmaxx 2017 event.

So far we’ve released the Gingerbread Racer, the Gingerbread Racer H&T, the Missile Toe. And now we have (you guessed it)... the Missile Toe H&T!

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This sweet ride is out of this world.

For those of you who’ve been usin’ up those Nitros to snag the Lamborgotti XMaxx LT, good job! You’ve got a head start.

Now, just keep going, and once you use 1,000 Nitros with a holiday car you can score your very own Missile Toe H&T.

ANOTHER gift for our Gold Members!

No bah humbug here. We’re feeling extra generous this year, and so we’ve decided to give out yet ANOTHER golden gift to our Nitro Type gold members to show them just how special they are and to say thanks for supporting Nitro Type. Without you guys, none of this would be possible!

So now, the limited-edition Golden Gift will now be automatically available to all of our gold members during the course of the Xmaxx 2017 event.

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If you’re not a Gold Member yet, it’s not too late to get this special holiday car. Just upgrade anytime before December 31st and it’s yours! Then for all of 2018 you can enjoy all of the great benefits that come with being an NT Gold Member.

ve 2017 News Posts
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