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12/13/16 08:23AM By Travis

Xmaxx Event 2016 Update!

First Off - What is the Xmaxx Event?

The Xmaxx event is our yearly celebration of everything festive where you can earn exclusive holiday cars, titles, and extra cash and XP!

How do I join?

  1. Go to the Dealership
  2. Buy the Rocket Sleigh 69 small 1
  3. Race using your new sleigh to earn fun prizes!

Any Xmaxx event car will work towards the new achievements!

To learn more, visit our kick-off news post!

Lamborgotti Xmaxx LT


The Wampus is a fan of lights. Right now he's got a ton of cars just absolutely covered in them! Well we decided to join in on the fun and deck out some brand new Lamborgottis, Wampus style! You wanna cruise down the track in style? You can earn this beauty by racing 100 times in a session with any holiday car! So hit the track and get fancy!

A Thank You - The Gilded Xxpress


The holiday season really is about saying thanks, and giving to others. To say thanks to all our loving gold members, who support us and allow us to continue to build the most awesome website ever, we've got a special, shiny treat!

To learn more, visit our Gilded Surprise news post!

Happy light-covered racing!

ve 2016 News Posts
The 2015 Retrospecticusiloveshoes2 Does it! 100,000 Races!!A New News Post! What's Up??Is It Summer Yet?Summer Event 2016!Summer Event Update: I'm Spicy!Summer Event Update: I'm On A Y.A.C.H.T.New Car, The Olympics, Back2School Sales, Oh My!No More Slow Race Bizarro World!Introducing: Seasons!Happy Hallowampus 2016!Happy Hallowampus (UPDATE)Race Server Back Up!Xmaxx Event 2016 Starts Dec. 1st!Xmaxx Event 2016!A Special Gift for Our Supporters!Xmaxx Event 2016 Update!Xmaxx Event Final Update