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12/06/18 08:13AM By Travis

XMaxx 2018 - A Gift for Gold Members & Feature Update News!

XMaxx 2018 - The Gilded Update

The wampus is all fleeced out this year, bringing one of the most requested cars over with a twist... it's solid gold! AND ON SKIS! Jolly Saint Wampus, you're crazy, but we love you. From now until January 1st, all gold members (including if you sign up for gold before January 1st) get this beautiful shiny Goldray! Jolly Saint Wampus wanted me to warn you all that although awesome looking, gold is a very soft metal.. so be careful to not type too many errors and crash it!

The Goldray

169 large 1

But wait, there's more! All of the gold cars from XMaxx past are also yours to keep!

103 large 1134 large 1

Nitro Type Feature Changes

January 1st - No More Selling Nitros

That's right! Starting January 1st, we are removing the ability to sell your Nitros. As we continue to balance both the gameplay and the game economy, we've decided to entirely remove the selling of nitros. So those of you who'd like to get rid of them, this is your chance!

2019 - Ending Season Competition Rewards

Starting next season, there will no longer be rewards for finishing at the top of the leaderboards for both individuals and teams. Season competitions were a fun experiment but unfortunately created so competitive of an environment that many players felt forced to play endless hours at the expense of other parts of their life. On top of this, seasons rewards were earned by only a very small subset of the player base, with more than 99% of the players never seeing even the lowest rewards. I know that for those select few, seasons were an awesome addition, but we've decided to switch the focus of seasons.

So with that, good news! In place of competitive rewards, we will be creating season-length achievements where everyone can earn special cars, titles, and cash! Think Fortnite's battle pass, but for free and for all racers! We'll be posting more about this later :)

Starting December 1st !!

  1. Go to the Dealership
  2. Buy the Rocket Sleigh69 small 1
  3. Race using your new sleigh to earn fun prizes!

Any XMaxx event car will work towards the new achievements and win you 50% extra cash and XP from every race!

Hygge Racing!

ve 2018 News Posts
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