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Nitro Wiki

Wizard is a player who placed second in Season 27 and fifth in Season 28. He was also an officer of SYN throughout the latter season, during which he also won the activity competition in the 2020 Nitro Type Summer Olympics.



Wizard joined Nitro Type on December 15, 2016. Within his first few months, he was active, joining HYT and placing top 100 in Seasons 3 and 4. This short period of activity would be followed by a 3-year hiatus, and he did not return to the game until early 2020.


Season 27[]

He was markedly more active in 2020 than in 2017; over 90% of the races on his account were completed that year. In Season 27, he joined 5HRK, finishing on the individual leaderboard with over 10 million points.

Season 28[]

Nitro Type Olympics[]

In Season 28, he joined SYN, being promoted to officer. Concurrently, he was a contender in the activity competition in the 2020 Summer Olympics. For almost the entirety of the month that the Olympics went on, he remained in the third place position behind Kocho and Hysteria. Hysteria, however, prioritizing beating Kocho on Season 28 rather than winning the Olympics, decided to share his account with other players, disqualifying him from the competition. This, along with Kocho being disqualified on August 2nd (along with Mal) for stealing Hysteria's account in order to prevent him from winning the season allowed Wizard to claim first place with only a few days left and no other real contenders (the 2nd place racer was 9,000 races behind him, an insurmountable lead). He was awarded the "Olympic Gold Medalist" title after the competition ended.

Season 29[]

After Season 28, Wizard joined NDB, captained by riptide. After NDB disbanded, he created his own team, SCYLLA. He placed 12th in Season 29. Since then, his activity has returned to its pre-2020 levels.

Season placements[]

Overall, Wizard has earned one "Contestant" title.

  • Season 3: 98th
  • Season 4: 34th
  • Season 27: 2nd
  • Season 28: 5th
  • Season 29: 12th