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Nitro Wiki
Nitro Wiki

An advanced Winson with off-road technology; this car can reliably traverse nearly any terrain imaginable.

The Winson R/T is a car that can be obtained by completing the I Skip Sentences achievement, which requires using 300 nitros.


  • It could originally be obtained by completing the Buy Buy Words! (get it?) achievement, which required purchasing 100 nitros. However, the ability to purchase nitros was removed with the release of Nitro Type v3, and the requirement was changed to using 300 nitros.
  • It is the only non-event and non-season car that requires a certain number of nitros to be used.
  • Its name was Rand Rover R/T until May 3, 2021.
  • It is based on a Land Rover Defender, but with different headlights.
