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02/20/15 09:41AM By Travis

Where is Corndog this time?

Hey all, Travis here with a quick update on the goings on over at the Nitro Type HQ.

A new

For the last month we’ve been pulled away from our beloved Nitro Type to work on a really exciting brand new version of -- We are nearing completion, which means all you epic typists and bug finders will be called on to help us iron out the bugs, and let us know what you think! Who knows, we may even give out some NT rewards for your help!

Paging Dr. Corndog

And all this was going swimmingly until we lost @Corndog... We looked all over the office when suddenly he shows up in the news comments! Turns out he’s in China celebrating the New Year (what a goat.. or maybe a sheep.. a ram?). He then sent me the following cryptic message ‘Next stop: Hanging with fishes. The islands rock. 21,000 people. Blue square, yellow circle.’

What?? Can anybody help find translate and find Corndog? And tell me why he’s hanging with fishes? $500,000 NT cash to the first person to find him! Update: Looks like @dev56 and @FRESH_PRINCE_WS found corndog! Enjoy some cash!

One More thing

Once we get him back, and get the new beta up, we will be finishing up the final new NT test site bugs and launching that. And you know what comes after that? Teams 2.0 update.

ve 2015 News Posts
2014: A RetrospectusWhere is Corndog this time?We Need Testers NOW!Nitro Type 2.0 Is Here!Teams 2.0 Has Launched!Bug Testers Unite!Summer Event 2015 Is Here!New Stuff & News!!Getting Ready for the New School Year!Back to School Sale!Happy 4th Birthday!Happy Halloween + Travis's Birthday!We Need Testers Yet Again!$1,000,000 for 1,000,000 RacesYou Did It! 1,000,000 in One Day!!2015 Xmaxx Event Has Begun!The Car Xmaxx Deserves...