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04/02/18 09:53AM By Travis

Were you one of the 574?

Spring Fever 2018 Has Come to an End!

It’s been an egg-xhilarating two weeks for us with the launch of our VERY FIRST Spring Fever Event.

A huge high-five to the 623,206 of you who got the Teggsla and joined us in this mini-event and were able to score extra cash and achievements.

Of the lot, only 1,067 managed to snag our top-of-the-line Egg Hauler. Even more exclusive, only 574 racers managed to dig up our hidden Eggsecutive achievement.

So, what do you guys think? Should we do this again next year? Can you handle more of this scrambled madness?

End of Season 11

Coincidentally, Season 11 also came to an end yesterday. And it turned out to be our most competitive season yet, with more races racked up per week than any before.

Did you know that If you’d made a full team at the start of the season and each member raced at least 15 times every day, you would be in the top 10!!

Our community manager Aaron has pointed out before that joining or starting a team is a great way to earn DOUBLE the cash each season.

And you can see that it doesn’t actually take that much to get yourself in the top 10 teams and score $500,000+ extra cash per member.

ve 2018 News Posts
Wrapping Up Our Sweetest Event Yet!You'll like this guy...How You Can Earn Double the Cash Each SeasonWe've Got Some Egg-citing News for Ya!The Spring Fever event is ON!Spring Fever Update!Were you one of the 574?Meet Team TECTiloveshoes2 Breaks Another Record! 200,000 Races!!Major Prizes Coming Up!Nitro Type just got REAL.Launching the PAC Performance 2018 EventMeet Team [RCWS]PAC Event 2018: New Car!Wrapping Up PAC 2018Brand New Achievement Car!Summer is coming...Surf N' Turf 2018 is on!Surf N' Turf Update: a New Way to Collect Achievements!Surf N' Turf Update: Special Gift for Gold MembersSurf N' Turf Update: Did You Find These Hidden Achievements?Closing Out the Surf N' TurfNitro Type Update!Back 2 School 2018 is in Session!Back 2 School Extra Credit Assignment!Nitro Type Has Reached 1,000,000,000 Races!Night of the GarageXMaxx 2018 Event Starts December 1st!XMaxx 2018 Event is Here!XMaxx 2018 - Jolly GTX LG!XMaxx 2018 - A Gift for Gold Members & Feature Update News!XMaxx 2018 - The Wraptor!XMaxx 2018 - The Wraptor GG!XMaxx 2018 - Final Update!