03/12/18 10:34AM By Travis
We’ve Got Some Egg-citing News for Ya!
Whether you’ve just started playing Nitro Type or have been with us from the very beginning… we’ve got some pretty egg-zilirating news for you.
For the first time in Nitro Type history we’re launching a Spring Fever Event!
This is just a mini-event (unlike the Summer and Xmaxx events), but there are some pretty egg-ceptional achievements that you will definitely want in your basket.
The fun will all start March 16th, and since this is a shorter event you’ll want to get started crackin’ right away.
How Does This Work??
For those of you new to Nitro Type and our amazing events, once the event starts on March 16th head to The Dealership and purchase the Teggsla for $10,000 and start racing with it!
Each race you complete with it will earn you 25% more cash and XP.
We’ve got more cars and some egg-stra special achievements in the works for you yolks, so keep your eyes peeled for more news.