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Nitro Wiki
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Wampus is a car for Nitro admins only.


Not to be confused with The Wampus, the bot that uses this car.

The Wampus is the car The Wampus uses. Though unavailable to players, all of its stats can be found in the bootstrap.


  • This and the Rental Car are the only cars that cost $0.
  • On October 18, 2020, it received an animated redesign. Its static display remained unchanged.
  • The chassis of this car is similar to the one on the Hammer Wheels.
  • This and the Hammer Wheels are the only two cars that are based on animals, although several cars from Season 47 - Summer Safari are based loosely on animals.
  • Travis has said that players might get this car if they complete 1 million races.
  • The Wampus was inspired by the Pirc Bot hoax on the Nitro Type Forums, made by Vielle. The admins commented that it inspired them to bring something else like that on Nitro Type that they would see in time. This ended up being revealed many months later in early 2014 with the addition of a news post, Introducing The Wampus.
  • Its rarity is classified as Legendary instead of Admin despite being a car exclusive to admins.
