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Nitro Wiki

"Verified TikToker" is a title that can be obtained by completing the Verified TikToker achievement, which Nitro admins reward to players who have at least 1,000 followers on a TikTok account dedicated to Nitro Type.


  • When this title was first released, it was classified as “Common” rarity. It then received multiple rarity changes, first to “Epic” and then “Uncommon”.
  • It was the first title to have the rarities of “Common” and “Epic”, and was the second title to have a rarity other than “Uncommon".
Owners of This Title Profile Link TikTok Account
XxRed_DevilxX link link
Nitro Typist link link
itspickles link link
DylaxnNitroType link N/A
Forbidden link
Zisc link
Tendons (jspowerlifting) banned N/A