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Nitro Wiki

Going to use this page to store my history until I get around to updating my page, stay tuned.


I first joined the game in 2017, my friend put me on to Nitro Type back then. I don't remember a ton from this time because it was 7 years ago now and I was in 5th-6th grade. I have lost the account I raced on and can't remember the username and can't find it anymore. I raced for team PLOX at some point, and racers from that time period have come forward to say they remember me. I also started my favorite team CHKMTE, super cool tag and it was fun to work on. Nothing super notable happened because I was so young, but this was where my journey started.


I started being active again in 2022, making my original Discord account and joining the Nitro Type server. I also started buying and selling accounts for NTC around this time, and started racing more and joining more competitive teams. Once again, I held positions on remarkably un-notable teams that most people won't have ever heard of, like BLZN, NGO, 2SUSSY, and ARKHAM. But I also started my own team around this time, KNC2. I was trying to go for a revival of KNC, but could never muster the activity to rank on the leaderboard. We peaked at around 130th before the LB was removed, and I disbanded the team shortly afterwards due to the lack of activity. Around this time I also went way more active, instating my 100 races per day rule.