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Nitro Wiki

Pizza lover or not, the Typiano car can't be topped. Get a slice of the action now - it's the yeast you can do.

The Typiano Pizza Car is a car that can be obtained by completing the Psycho Racer achievement, which requires clocking 24 hours (1,440 minutes) of total race time. It was also made available for purchase from the Shop. See below


  • On November 26, 2016, the race servers were down and there was a glitch in which doing one race automatically would give players the car.
    • Players who got the car from this glitch were allowed to keep it.
  • On March 17, 2021, it received a v3 redesign.
  • It is the only car that can be obtained by clocking race time.
  • On April 16, 2021, this car was animated prior to its Shop release.
  • This is one of the few animated cars where its static animated version could be seen in-game before its animated version was added.
  • It is one of the few cars added to the Shop that could be obtained by other means at the same time.
  • Its wheels are similar to those on the Hotdog Mobile and the XMaxx Tree Racer.
  • It is based on a slice of pepperoni pizza.
  • The Shop description includes a pun on yeast, a fungus that is used in baking bread.

Shop Availability[]

Starting Date Ending Date Price
April 17, 2021 April 24, 2021 $2,250,000
