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Nitro Wiki

This car revs up the cool factor, stock-full of envy-inducing style on the Nitro Type track.

The Thunder Shake is a car that can be obtained by purchasing the Supersonic Stash bundle.


  • This car was originally going to be released in the Shop in a separate dealership from November 5-17, 2021, but that never happened.
    • Later, it was announced that the car would be scrapped and would never be released. [1] This ended up being false with the release of bundles.
  • It was named K. Osburn #21 after Nitro admin Katie Osburn, until May 2024.
  • In May 2024, its rarity was amended from Epic to Legendary.
  • Prior to its official release, Kristen Smith was the only owner of this car on one of her alts.
  • The candies on this car are also used on the Fonicci Zucchero.
  • It is based on Kyle Busch's 2021 M&M's Toyota Camry.
