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The Xcelsior V12 is a Gold member exclusive car.


The Xcelsior V12 is a car that can be obtained by completing the Racing To Gold achievement, which requires upgrading to Gold Membership.


  • This car was added on June 20, 2013, with the release of Gold Membership.
  • It is the only Gold Membership car that doesn't require having Gold Membership during an event or season.
  • Vielle was the first player to obtain this car.
  • Its name is a reference to South Park's depiction of Al Gore, who would commonly exclaim "Excelsior!" (meaning higher). The admins opted to drop the "E" to make the name "cooler".
  • There is a known glitch where players who had their membership revoked could still use this car, despite it being nonexistent in their garage's source code.
  • It is featured on the Nitro Type homepage with the Lightning trail. It is the only car on that page displayed with a trail.
  • It was featured on the Nitro Type sign up page, but was removed when the page was updated.
  • The logo on the front of the 1.0 and 2.0 versions, below the #01 number tag, resembles the Adidas logo. However, this was removed in the v3 redesign.
  • On October 1, 2020, an animated redesign was released alongside the new HD track.
  • It is based on a BAC Mono.
