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Nitro Wiki
Nitro Wiki

The Wild 500 is a car that could be obtained by completing The Wild Legend achievement, which required racing 500,000 times before May 15, 2024.


  • This car was designed for and named after Wildflower, who was the first player to complete 500,000 races.
    • It was awarded to her on March 20, 2020.
    • According to Moises, Wildflower designed this car and asked the admins to make it.
  • The back of this car shares similarities with The Pirc, while the front of this car shares similarities with The Wildflower.
    • Unlike The Wildflower, it features an individual, a roll cage, four wheels instead of three, a brighter midsection, and modified "NITRO" text
  • It is one of the few cars where the driver’s helmet starter color is a color other than red.
  • When it was originally released, the price of this car was only $10,000, but Travis changed it to $50,000,000 on May 28, 2020, making it the 2nd most expensive car in Nitro Type.
  • The number “500” in its name references the number 500,000, which is the amount of races that are required to obtain this car.
  • Like The Wildflower, it is based on an Aero 3S.
