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This is a disbanded team.

This was once an available team, but now has been removed.

The Trailblazers, also known as Vengeance Seekers and more commonly referred to by its tag, [TBZ], is a team that was formed by Titanium_Tendons  on March 23rd, 2020. After this date, the team would be disbanded and reformed multiple times since.


TBZ was a team that valued activity and loyalty above all else. Thus, it did not have any speed or race count requirement to join, but rather, looked upon a racers recent stats, their races on the 24 hour and 7 day leaderboard, in order to determine if they are a good fit for the team. Upon joining, the requirement was 50 races per day with a one day grace period.


A full list of the members can be found here.


The original reformation of the team caused some controversy between old generation and new generation TBZ racers. Many of the old members, as well as some other community members with relations to Tendons, were against the reformation of the team given his original reasons for disbanding the first team were still very present.

At the start of Season 27, the team quickly soared to the top of the leaderboards. However, early on the next day the team was disbanded by an officer using an exploit that allowed him to disband the team. This was due to the fact that although the option to edit and disband the team is only visible to the captain, the actual functionality was not disabled for officers if they dug deep enough into the game code. The bug has since been patched and Travis has stated that he will attempt to restore the data and races lost when the team was disbanded. The team continued racing with the alternate team tag [R0BB3D] with the name Vengeance Seekers starting later on in the day before getting their tag back a day later.

Since the recovery of the team tag, the team has periodically returned to dominate the leaderboards, doing so for most of 2021.

On April 27, 2024 the team was disbanded by the owner.

Trailblazers, more commonly referred to by its tag, [TBZ], is a team that was formed by Titanium_Tendons  on November 22nd, 2019. Its captain is a former co captain of 1CY9 who placed second in Season 24 while he was holding that position, amongst a few other racers as well, those being HeyLookMaIMadeItbefore before him and ~~Kocho~~ after.


TBZ is a team that values activity and loyalty above all else. Thus, it does not have any speed or level requirement to join, but rather, looks upon a racers recent stats, their races on the 24 hour and 7 day leaderboard, in order to determine if they are a good fit for the team. Upon joining, the requirement is 75 races per day with a one day grace period.


Titanium_Tendons was the captain. All of the officers in first generation TBZ were: Mal, Kocho, pcrtia, Cam, T!meTrave!er:), Winston, Refolectic, Will:), ✨꧁⚽WF⚽꧂✨.

Second generation TBZ officers are Canine0003, Smoke , UNiVEⱤSAlLEGEND, Rocky, and TDK_2020.


Due to Blazey, the captain of 1CY9 having to focus on her personal life, she decided to have ICY9 go inactive in Season 25, knowing she would not have the time to run the team to her fullest potential. Thus, TBZ attracted many of the former members of ICY9, particularly when several key players from their team whom Titanium_Tendons is close with came to help his team. They also merged with NGTH, meaning the captain of that team, Almighty1 along with several other powerful players, including current officer XmaxxSoon:) came to help this team as well.   

In Season 25, the team started out with only a close lead ahead of SSH. However as the season progressed the lead became more and more substantial due to the lengthy sessions of many of its members and overall high activity. This led to them receiving their first season win.   

In the beginning of Season 26, TBZ underwent a fierce rivalry with DTR that resulted in hostilities opposite of the friendly relations that they had had with SSH during Season 25. This drama resulted in many members switching sides throughout the season, and eventually resulted in a mass purge in the TBZ Discord in which many DTR members that they deemed as troublemakers were expelled. Later on, TBZ formed an alliance with SSH, who were in 4th place at the time, with the goal to boost SSH with the help of TBZ team members. As a result, several top racers from TBZ, including Tendon's alt, went over for various amounts of time in order to help, boosting SSH past DOG.    

On February 27th, 2020, the team was disbanded for personal reasons by the captain. Many of its former members went to join 3Crossz's former team XBS ( Now held by his alt) and then the team disbanded and most of it's active members joined 5HRK.

Related Pages[]

Teams related to Tendons and TBZ.

Former Adversary / Ally[]

Adversary Teams[]
