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Nitro Wiki
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07/24/13 06:26PM By Austin

The Final Summer Car

The Summer Event has ended! Hope you all had fun!

That's it... the event is about to end... The final summer car is here...

Forget twelve. Forget thirteen. Fourteen... beat it. Wheels?? Who needs them! The Hang Fifteen is here!!! But can you achieve it?!?! 2,000 nitros used with a summer car! You have until August 7th.

Have at it!!

ve 2013 News Posts
Daily Nitro Rewards!Let's Get Social!New Cars: It Begins!Congrats CarriePirc!We are the Champions!One Million Races Per Week!Curious About Nitro Type Stats?Where's TheCorndog Going??The Summer Event Is Here!Nitro Type Gold MembershipsSummer Event UpdateThe Final Summer CarA New School Year Is Upon UsWhat's Up?Stone The Crows! CarriePirc Does it Again!Nitro Type Holiday Event: 2013!Bitcoin Accepted HereNitro Type 2013 Xmaxx Event Update