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News 5.28.2017

05/28/17 10:04AM By Travis

Team Communication Update!

You asked, we listened. You can now keep your team up to date on your status, once every 12 hours!

How it Works

Once every 12 hours, you can set a short status message that only you and your teammates can see.


To update your status, go to your team page, click the Update Status button (it's above your list of teammates), and set your status, such as "Going for 100 races today, wish me luck!". Going away for the weekend? Now your teammates and captain know! Going for a huge session and want some encouragement? Update your status!

These status updates will only show up for your team, those outside of your team cannot see them.

Disclaimer: This is NOT a chat system, nor will we ever have a chat system. Your status updates are still subject to the same rules as news posts, so be civil.

Summer Event 2017!

Although we don't have a start date yet, we will be having a full summer event this year! Earn achievements, 50% more cash and experience, exclusive event titles and cars! We'll put up a post when the start date has been set.


Happy Racing!

ve 2017 News Posts
Introducting Nitro! Nitro Type's New Mascot!Season 1 Starts February 1st!Season 1 Ending Mega Post!Spring News Update!Team Communication Update!Summer Event Starts June 14th!Summer Event 2017Planned Site DowntimeHappy Hallowampus 2017!Hallowampus Update!It's Time to paaar-tay!Can we break 2 million races in one day?What should our Christmas Event theme be?Can you guess what this year’s Xmaxx theme is?Nitro Type’s Biggest Event of the Year Starts Today!Xmaxx Update: Bring on the Gingerbread Racer H&TXmaxx Update: Rockin' The Race Track with Missile ToeXmaxx Update: Another Gift for Gold Members!Xmaxx Update: We saved the best for last