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I'm on a YACHT

06/28/18 07:45PM By

Surf N’ Turf Update: a New Way to Collect Achievements!

Introducing a New Way to Collect Achievements!

Everyone loves to open presents on their birthdays. Right? Imagine that when you woke up on your birthday, instead of receiving wrapped presents, you just had a few toys or shirts added to your room. Where'd be the fun in that?

Recently our team realized that that's exactly what we'd been doing with our achievements. You can race a ton, but if you're not paying attention you might not even notice which achievements you've earned!

Well now, we have just released an update with a whole NEW system of earning achievements. Now, once you earn an achievement you get to go to the Achievements section to "Claim your Reward"!


When you have achievements waiting to be claimed, a little notification gem will show up on your achievements link to let you know how many unclaimed achievements you have to claim.


Happy unbirthday everyone!

New Surf N' Turf Car!

There’s nothing quite like summer than a fun summer shopping spree!

Now you can go all out with the extra 25% cash you’ve been earning from the Surf N’ Turf event to buy yourself something pretty… something like the limited edition summer Y.A.C.H.T. Available only until July 20th, when the Surf N’ Turf Summer Event ends!

128 large 1

If you’ve not joined yet, it’s not too late to jump in to earn some of our hot limited-time only summer cars, titles, and achievements! Not to mention extra cash and XP with every race.

How to Join Surf N' Turf 2018

  1. Slide on over to the Dealership
  2. Buy the Summer Classic81 small 1
  3. Race using your new sweet ride to earn some swell prizes!

Any summer event car (past or present) will work towards the new achievements and win you 25% extra cash and XP from every race!

ve 2018 News Posts
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