Nitro Wiki

Welcome to the Nitro community!

Before you start editing, please review our policies and discussion guidelines. Failure to abide by these rules can result in account suspension!

If you are new to Fandom and need guidance on editing, visit the Help page. Feel free to contact a staff member if you are unsure of anything.


Nitro Wiki

Support is a webpage that contains frequently asked questions about about the Nitro games. On that page, there is also a place to contact the admins regarding anything, put into five categories.

  • General Question - There is no place to contact the admins here. Instead, there is a message to check the Updates, News, and the FAQ for more information.
  • Bug/Error/Game Issue - This is a place to report any bugs found on the site. Note that spamming or abusing this form will result in an account ban.
  • Gold/Cash Purchase Refund Request - Email them to get the refund started right away.
  • Offensive Team Name - Simply put the team tag of the team name in question here.
  • Other Question - Put down a reason for contacting here.