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06/04/21 02:49PM By Adrian

Congratulations, NT Racers!

Another school year is almost in the books and Summer is right around the corner. The great outdoors beckons… long days spent roaming the neighbourhood, hittin’ the beach, hiking through the woods. You deserve it!

And in the spirit of exploration, join us for our epic Summer Trails season, starting today!

It wouldn’t be called Summer Trails without a whole bunch of, well, Trails! Four never-before-seen trails have emerged from the wilderness for you to nab. One trail is even a travel trailer (get it? Trail, trailer?). Check them all out on the Season page now.


And naturally we didn't forget about sizzling new vehicles. From the dirt to the beach to the open water, we’ve got hot rides for each. SIX new vehicles in total will make their debut in Summer Trails, from the Stingtec Thunderboat, Blitz Dune Bounder, and Bozz Juice'd ATV, to the Corsa Contacc, Liberty Rescue lifeguard truck, and the old-school Hydrova OG.


Summer forecasts are light on rain, which is why we’re making it rain Nitro Cash in Summer Trails! With millions available for those dedicated racers who finish the whole season.

Rounding out a jam-packed Summer Trails season are of course brand new stickers and titles. They’re all there for you on the Season page, now.

So what are you waiting for? Hit the trails and explore in our Summer Trails season and make it a summer to remember!

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