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Nitro Wiki

Not to be confused with 2016 Summer Event.

Click Here to go to the original news post!

06/06/16 01:30PM By Travis

Summer Event 2016!

I'm on a boat! And you can be too!

Your First Summer Event? Read This!

If you haven't yet participated in a Nitro Type Event, here's how it works. Head to the dealership and buy the Summer Classic car. While racing with this (or any summer event car), you'll earn achievements to unlock new cars, titles, cash, all sorts of goodies!

As a reminder, any summer event car (from any year) will work towards summer achievements, so feel free to use any of them.

Oh and guess what? Every race with a summer car during the event will earn you 50% MORE CASH AND EXPERIENCE! Yea, we know, amazing.

Current Summer Cars

Summer Classic - BUY ME NOW in the dealership


Floaty Blue - EARN ME!

125 large 1


126 large 1

Six Four Plus Three - NEW PLAYERS EARN ME!

116 large 1

And there *just* might be another secret car (or two??) released later this month!

Not your first event?

That's awesome! Veterans unite! You may notice a couple similar achievements as past years, but don't worry you can re-earn almost all the 2016 versions! So prepare to earn more cash, titles, and cars!

Happy racing!

ve 2016 News Posts
The 2015 Retrospecticusiloveshoes2 Does it! 100,000 Races!!A New News Post! What's Up??Is It Summer Yet?Summer Event 2016!Summer Event Update: I'm Spicy!Summer Event Update: I'm On A Y.A.C.H.T.New Car, The Olympics, Back2School Sales, Oh My!No More Slow Race Bizarro World!Introducing: Seasons!Happy Hallowampus 2016!Happy Hallowampus (UPDATE)Race Server Back Up!Xmaxx Event 2016 Starts Dec. 1st!Xmaxx Event 2016!A Special Gift for Our Supporters!Xmaxx Event 2016 Update!Xmaxx Event Final Update