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06/01/15 03:02PM By Austin

Summer Event 2015 Is Here!

Ahh... it's that time of the year again. Swimming pools, BBQs, fast cars, and wasting nitros!

First Timers - Read This!

If you're new to the site (as in, less than one year) then here's how this works! Head to the dealership and buy the Summer Classic, for only $10,000. Use this car and start racing! As you race, earn brand new achievements! Tons of cash, new titles, and of course new cars!

Once you earn a new summer car, feel free to use that! But remember, to earn the summer event benefits, you must be using a summer car (either from this event or ones in the past).

Summer Cars

Summer Classic - BUY ME NOW in the dealership


Six Four - EARN ME!

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Took Part in Past Years?

You guys are awesome! You may notice some similarities between this event and last year. This is intentional! We liked the balance we hit last year. However, unlike previous years, most of the achievements can be re-earned! So that means a lot more cash and new titles!

What Else??

As always... 50% MORE CASH AND EXPERIENCE FOR EVERY RACE!!!! Don't forget to use a Summer Car!!

Go get em, racers!

ve 2015 News Posts
2014: A RetrospectusWhere is Corndog this time?We Need Testers NOW!Nitro Type 2.0 Is Here!Teams 2.0 Has Launched!Bug Testers Unite!Summer Event 2015 Is Here!New Stuff & News!!Getting Ready for the New School Year!Back to School Sale!Happy 4th Birthday!Happy Halloween + Travis's Birthday!We Need Testers Yet Again!$1,000,000 for 1,000,000 RacesYou Did It! 1,000,000 in One Day!!2015 Xmaxx Event Has Begun!The Car Xmaxx Deserves...