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11/07/13 06:53PM By Austin

Stone The Crows! CarriePirc Does it Again!

G'day mates! Not to earbash, but our favorite aussie has done it again. The first to 30,000 races... Bonzer!

As always, making you blokes look like a gang of bludgers, [TP]CarriePirc took the spot like a flyer passin a jumbuck. Others had a fair go, but in a last minute boil-over Carrie took a quick kip and yelled, "Sydney or the bush!", defending her spot like a tasmanian devil going twenty to the dozen. True blue!

As a proper reward, CarriePirc is the first to receive the latest achievement car, and this ain't some wonky yank tank. Bit o' all right... a real beaut. The Wach 6!


Good onya Carrie.


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