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Nitro Wiki

Sticker Stan is a dealership of the Shop. It was added on April 13, 2022.


This section was added on April 13, 2022, as a permanent dealership. On January 27, 2023, this dealership was modified to include the Rock, Paper, and Scissors stickers. These stickers were later redesigned on January 30, 2023, to match the theme of other hand stickers in the game.


List of stickers[]

The following stickers are purchasable from the Sticker Stan section:

Sticker stan-header
Sticker Image Price
Scissors Scissors $33,000
Paper Paper $33,000
Rock Rock $33,000
Thumbs Up Sticker 1608156607 $45,000
Thumbs Down Sticker 1608156594 $45,000
Mulligan Sticker 1622658147 $45,000
High Five! Sticker 1630609121 $55,000
One More Race! Sticker 1630609080 $55,000
No Nitros! Sticker 1630509731 $55,000
Clap Sticker 1608156162 $65,000
Checkmate! Sticker 1631809697 $87,000
First! Sticker 1608156264 $100,000
Flex Sticker 1613672562 $300,000
CatJAM Sticker 1613672659 $350,000