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10/07/19 11:25AM By Julian

Spooky Season 24 is here!

The Nitro Type Back 2 School event was a great way to get students back into the swing of things. Now keep their interest levels high with our newest and spookiest racing season yet...

Season 24 runs from October 7th to November 28th and promises to be absolutely spooktacular! We timed this season to hit just as the back-to-school excitement wanes, and your students are asking, “what next”?

With our creepy Halloween season, your students’ enthusiasm for improving their keyboarding skills will be renewed with the promise of serious cash prizes, awesome new achievement titles (like "Count Track-ula"), and some of the coolest Halloween cars we’ve ever seen!

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The Goblin

Race 150 times during Season 24

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Something Wicked

Race 200 times during Season 24

Of course, we have a special car for our Nitro Type Nt-gold-icon Gold Members - the Creepy Crawler!

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Creepy Crawler

Be a Nt-gold-icon Gold Member during Season 24

Don’t forget, with the Nitro Type Teacher Portal, you can measure student improvement in overall WPM and accuracy. Take advantage of this feature to set goals for your students during the season - then sit back and watch them race their way to success!

Happy Haunting! Err... I mean Happy Typing! 👻

ve 2019 News Posts
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