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Nitro Wiki

The Special Sauce category as it appears in a user profile. Only users who have completed an achievement in this category will be able to see this in their user profile.

Special Sauce is an achievement category that exclusively contains hidden achievements that must be manually rewarded by admins in order to be completed.

Some of the achievements in this category are awarded to players by admins for a large number of reasons, while others are exclusive to them.

This category is only viewable to people who have completed at least one achievement in this category, though one can view the page despite not attaining any of the achievements through this link.

List of achievements[]

Open achievements[]

These are achievements that can currently be earned by anyone provided they meet the relevant criteria and are approved by an admin.

Player-exclusive achievements[]

These are achievements that are exclusive to specific players (defined as users that are not Nitro admins).

Admin-exclusive achievements[]

These are achievements that are exclusive to Nitro admins.


  • Some accounts with Special Sauce rewards don’t have the corresponding achievement due to a few instances where rewards were given directly through the Customizer instead of an achievement.