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Nitro Wiki

Congratulations! You found an error in the typing text!

"Sp3llchekcer"is a title that was given out to players who reported meaningful typos in race passages.


  • It was created on November 9, 2022 by Nitro admin Adrian following the addition of new texts.
  • This title's misspelling is intentional, as a reference to the spelling errors required to earn it.
  • This title is similar to the "TypEd1tor" title, which was given only to TypeOnederful for a similar reason.
  • This title was discontinued through support in March 2024 and is unobtainable.
  • Parzeval received this title on May 15, 2024, after it was made unobtainable.
Known Owners of This Title Profile Link Reason for Title
rae link General proofreading
Aratox link
Ally link Dash-related typo
XxRed_DevilxX link
ItsPickles (Alt) link
ItsPickles link Missing space in “suchas”
Oreo link Straggling dashes
JesusLovesYou link Straggling dashes, "butterfly" pluralized, "phobia" pluralized, "T. rex" misspelled as "T Rex", missing commas
mirciy link Missing commas, bugged un-typeable text
Jisoo link Semicolon-related typo
Onion link "Pickleball" misspelled as "pickeball"
zetria link An extra space in the term "vinyl r ecords"
Eliserss link "if" misspelled as "fi"
Overcomer link "The" misspelled as “fhe", missing space in “taillight”, and "internet" miscapitalized as "Internet"
Kursed link Comma going after a space, "LeBron James" miscapitalized as "Lebron James", "mamma mia" misspelled as "mama mia", "gases" misspelled as "gasses"
ProEPICnesS link The word "and" forgotten in the term "Many different types of snake"
ily X3 link "Farther" instead of "further" and the capitalization of Kitty Hawk
TheDestroyist link Missing space in "videogames"
D1srupti0n link ”Hard headed” instead of “light headed” and missing dash in “off putting”
Sky link Missing dash in "see through" and "school work" instead of “schoolwork”
Parzeval link Missing capital in "the Moon" and "X ray" instead of "x-ray"
Mangy_Mutt link Capitalization error, comma error
Potato link Missing dash in "Cross-country skiing" and fixed a run-on sentence
Callsign-Bookworm link Extra space in "outthink"
Vibez link Unneeded S at the end of "food", lack of capitalization for "Earth"
Danny link Unknown
Kookies link
firechan link
akilogram link (sold)
typingprune link
Pure Water link
Blue link
Raindrop link
kingbarnabas link
Enzo link
AlmightyOne1 link
nfo_null link
Zisc link
coltywolty01 link
Agent 808 banned Missing capital in "the Moon"
Wolfey Youtube "the movements of prey” Dash-related typo
SharpShade Unnecessary comma
METR1XZ Straggling dashes and "ghost" instead of "ghast"
Faded (jtspackers) Unknown
Anshu (calebmatthew10)