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Nitro Wiki
We are strong. We are one. We race with honor. We are committed… to honesty and to each other. We are S0RC, the Solar Invaders. We are S0RC-STRONG.
― Discord Banner

The Solar Racers, better known as [S0RC], was a team created by BearsBeetsBattlestar on April 21, 2021. The team is known for its high positions on the leaderboard and the positive impacts they made in the Nitro Type community.


Solar Eclipse first founded the Solar Racers team with the SOl4R tag on November 23, 2020. The team was recreated several times. On February 24, 2021, it became SORC, the Solar Invaders, with Solar Eclipse as captain. The team did well and reached Top 10 on the leaderboard.

On April 21, 2021, the team was recreated under the S0RC1 tag, to pass leadership to BearsBeetsBattleStar. Comet became the Co-captain. The team's tag was changed to its current one, S0RC. The team rose to the top 10 on the leaderboard within a week after Bears became leader and remained there the entire time of their leadership. They temporarily reached the top 3 multiple times and briefly ranked 1st during Season 34.

On October 21, 2021, Nitro Type manually passed leadership of the team to Comet. The team has remained in the top 20 on the leaderboard throughout Comet's leadership. The team celebrated the completion of 1 million races on November 19, 2021. They reached the top 3 again on December 23, 2021.

On January 8, 2023, the team name was changed back to Solar Racers.


S0RC is a space themed team that values integrity, honesty, and having fun. Much of the community revolves around the Discord server, which hosts games, spam contests, art contests, and in 2022 role-playing competitions.


  • Teams can become allies of S0RC when there is a mutually beneficial relationship, shared values and compatible goals.

Methods of Communication[]


  • Members participate in cross-team blitz competitions with members of other teams.
  • S0RC motto: "S0RC Strong"
  • S0RC is one of the few teams to change captains manually.