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Nitro Wiki

Created for style, and fit for endurance. This car can take the heat after long sessions of racing.

The Shimura Lance 722 is a car that can be obtained by completing the Devoted to Typing achievement, which requires racing 50 times in a session.


  • It was the first Achievement Car created on Nitro Type.
  • It is the first car that can be earned from completing sessions.
  • Its name was Nitsua Lance 722 until May 3, 2021.
  • A variant of this car can be seen on race in progress screen for friend races along with the Liberty YT-5K and the Liberty Demon XRT.
  • A reskin of this car can be seen on the instructions for new users on Nitro Math.
  • It is based on a first generation Mazda6.
  • The 722 in the name is an angel number that symbolizes growth and spiritual awakening similar to the meaning of this achievement.
