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Shadow Sleigh is a Gold member exclusive car.

Why do you never see Santa flying around? Because he rides in this of course!
― Season Pass

The Shadow Sleigh is a car that can be obtained by reaching Rank 31 during Season 55, which requires earning 600K XP and having Gold Membership.


  • This car is a variant of the Rocket Sleigh.
  • Maxx leaked the name of this car on November 30, 2024, a day prior to its release in Season 55.
  • This car and its season pass description were created by Overcomer in his 12 Days of Nitro concept.
  • Although this car can technically be painted, it being both black and monochromatic results in every paint job looking identical to the original.
  • Its name was Shadow Party Sleigh until December 2, 2024.
