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Nitro Wiki
How a newer season page looks

A typical season page.

Learn About Seasons

If you click on the Learn About Seasons tab in the corner of the seasons page, it shows this display.

Screenshot 2025-01-22 11.56

the popup you get when you unlock achievments

Seasons are periods of time where players are rewarded with cars, loot, and cash for ranking up, which can be done by completing races or games. Seasons can last from two weeks to three months long. Seasons are unlocked once players complete 5 races.



A bonus tier, a free tier, and a regular tier. Bonus and free tiers have a label signifying what tier they are, while regular tiers do not.

One's current season progress can be found by going to the season page, which shows their current season rank and how close they are to the next one. In addition, clicking on a tier shows the reward and its description. There is also a notice stating when the season will end. If there is no active season currently, the notice will state when the next season will begin.

There are four types of tiers:

  1. Bonus tiers, which can be earned by having Gold Membership
  2. Free tiers, which can be earned by completing the requirement
  3. Regular tiers, which can be earned by having Gold Membership and completing the requirement
  4. Infinity tiers, which can be earned after a user has completed the rest of the tiers for the season and award $100,000 each time they are completed

All tiers except bonus tiers require XP to be earned. One levels up by earning XP, which gives access to higher tiers.


Below is a list of all past, current, and future planned seasons, including their start/ending dates.

Note: The season in bold is the season that is currently active. Also note that information about future seasons (those listed after the currently active one) are subject to change as they only state what the admins currently plan on doing.

Name Started Ended
Season 0.5 September 22, 2016 January 29, 2017
Season 1 February 1, 2017 February 28, 2017
Season 2 March 6, 2017 March 31, 2017
Season 3 April 4, 2017 April 30, 2017
Season 4 May 6, 2017 June 30, 2017
Season 5 July 1, 2017 July 31, 2017
Season 6 August 6, 2017 August 31, 2017
Season 7 September 6, 2017 September 30, 2017
Season 8 October 4, 2017 November 30, 2017
Season 9 (Xmaxx 2017) December 6, 2017 December 31, 2017
Season 10 January 10, 2018 February 14, 2018
Season 11 February 18, 2018 March 31, 2018
Season 12 April 5, 2018 April 30, 2018
Season 13 PAC! May 4, 2018 May 18, 2018
Season 14 May 23, 2018 June 15, 2018
Season 15 June 22, 2018 July 20, 2018
Season 16 July 24, 2018 August 31, 2018
Back 2 School (2018) September 15, 2018 October 10, 2018
Season 17 October 12, 2018 November 21, 2018
Season 18 (Xmaxx 2018) December 1, 2018 December 31, 2018
Season 19 January 18, 2019 March 10, 2019
Season 20 March 11, 2019 May 11, 2019
Season 21 May 17, 2019 July 14, 2019
Season 22 July 17, 2019 August 30, 2019
Season 23 (Back 2 School) September 16, 2019 October 4, 2019
Season 24 October 4, 2019 November 28, 2019
Season 25 (Xmaxx) December 3, 2019 January 3, 2020
Season 26 January 6, 2020 March 31, 2020
Season 27 - Neon Spring April 8, 2020 July 4, 2020
Season 28 - Wampus World July 5, 2020 September 5, 2020
Season 29 September 8, 2020 December 1, 2020
Season 30 - XMaxx 2020 December 2, 2020 January 12, 2021
Season 31 - New Year, New Loot! January 12, 2021 February 23, 2021
Season 32 - Winter's End February 24, 2021 April 1, 2021
Season 33 - Sea of Riches April 2, 2021 June 2, 2021
Season 34 - Summer Trails June 3, 2021 August 15, 2021
Season 35 - Back 2 School 2021 August 21, 2021 October 17, 2021
Season 36 - Autumn Overdrive October 17, 2021 November 28, 2021
Season 37 - XMaxx 2021 November 28, 2021 January 30, 2022
Season 38 - Fast Food January 30, 2022 May 1, 2022
Season 39 - Nitro Arcade Volume 1 May 1, 2022 June 5, 2022
Season 39 - Nitro Arcade Volume 2 June 5, 2022 July 3, 2022
Season 40 - Sunshine GP July 4, 2022 August 14, 2022
Season 41 - Back 2 School 2022 August 14, 2022 September 18, 2022
Season 42 - Nitro TV September 18, 2022 October 23, 2022
Season 43 - Nitro Racing League October 23, 2022 November 27, 2022
Season 44 - Xmaxx 2022 November 27, 2022 January 15, 2023
Season 45 - Nitro Movie Night January 15, 2023 March 12, 2023
Season 46 - Spring Clean March 12, 2023 May 7, 2023
Season 47 - Summer Safari May 7, 2023 August 6, 2023
Season 48 - Back 2 School 2023 August 6, 2023 October 1, 2023
Season 49 - Haunted Highways October 1, 2023 November 26, 2023
Season 50 - Xmaxx 2023 November 26, 2023 January 28, 2024
Season 51 - Mystical March January 28, 2024 March 31, 2024
Season 52 - Spring Sprint March 31, 2024 May 26, 2024
Season 53 - Star-Spangled Speed May 26, 2024 September 1, 2024
Season 54 - Titans of Fall September 1, 2024 December 1, 2024
Season 55 - XMaxx 2024 December 1, 2024 March 2, 2025


  • 9/22/2016: Season 0.5 is released. This would become a prototype of the new leaderboards. The old speed and races scoreboards are replaced with a new points system that combined speed, accuracy, and races into a single score. The algorithm for how many points one earned in a single race is as follows: (100 + (wpm / 2)) · accuracy / 100. The release of these new leaderboards pushed the Nitro admins to wipe out the fastest team scoreboards and both of the all-time scoreboards. There are competitive leaderboards for each season. Titles and cash were rewarded to the top teams and racers at the end of every season. The rewards were dependent on a racer's or their team's place on the leaderboard at the end of the season.
  • 12/6/2018: It is announced that the season rewards would be changed starting in Season 19 so that rewards would no longer be handed out for leaderboard placement. This was changed because the season competitions created so competitive of an environment that players were forced to spend hours playing the game at the expense of other parts of life and because the vast majority of players in the player base never got any rewards. Seasons 19 and 20 became the first seasons to follow this new system with no rewards given out.
  • 5/17/2019: Season 21 introduces a brand new rewards system, which has been used in most seasons since.
  • 1/6/2020: Starting in Season 26, achievements stop having session and nitro requirements and the only requirement for achievements is to complete races. Additionally, the the amount of Gold Member-exclusive achievements increases.
  • 2/27/2020: In a news post, Travis announces that more season achievement rewards would soon be added aside from the usual cars, titles, and cash. He stated that they would eventually be adding emojis for use on the track (similar to the preexisting friend race emojis), custom nitro animations, sound effects, and trails.
  • 4/8/2020: Season 27 becomes the first season to include stickers.
  • 5/20/2020: A brand new season page is released. This page portrays the season achievements in a different way; rewards were given out via ranking up, rather than earning an achievement through the achievements page. All achievements earned in previous seasons would still be kept, but the achievements will not appear in the “Achievements” section.
  • 6/19/2020: The addition of the season rewards page is formally announced in a news post.
  • 10/18/2020: It is announced that the leaderboards would be removed following Season 29, or on December 3, due to concerns over players having unhealthily high levels of activity.
  • 1/10/2021: The season leaderboards are removed after over a month of delay. They are replaced with a "Top Teams" leaderboard, a rolling total of the amount of races and points teams have accumulated within the past 7 days.
  • 10/12/2021: Nitro Type Hub announces in a twitter post that XP would be returning to seasons starting in Season 36 with daily challenges debuting as a new way to earn XP. XP would be reset every season.
  • 10/17/2021: The new XP system launches with the start of Season 36.
  • 6/2/2022: It becomes possible to rank up in the season by playing Nitro Math.
  • 5/26/24: Adrian announces in a news post that Season 53 might be the final season with the "battle pass" format and that Events would be reintroduced following the season (though S54 is released 3 months later).

All season rewards

No rewards were given during Seasons 19-20 or Season 23.

Individual rewards

Team rewards

Season 13

Individual rewards

Team rewards

Season 21
Achievement Requirements Reward Points
Beta Keep Racing! Complete 100 races $500,000 +10
Alpha Romero 123Ω Complete 150 races
178 small 1
Portch Cobalt Complete 200 races
177 small 1
Always Awake 50 races in a session $1,000,000 +10
Never Exhausted 100 races in a session "Never Exhausted" +20
Nitro Igniter Use 50 nitros $250,000 +10
Nitro Burnout Use 300 nitros "Nitro Burnout" +20

Note: Achievements with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Season 22
Achievement Requirements Reward Points
Beach Day! Complete 100 races $500,000 +10
Sandstorm Complete 150 races
181 small 1
The Jury Complete 200 races
182 small 1
Goldfishin' Be a Gold member Gold-up-icon-big
183 small 1
'Tis the Sea-sun! 50 races in a session $1,000,000 +20
Tide Down 100 races in a session "Tide Down" +10
Buggy Racer Use 50 nitros $250,000 +20
I Have Fans! Use 150 nitros "I Have Fans!" +50

Note: Achievements with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Season 24
Achievement Requirements Reward Points
Creepy Crawler Be a Gold member Gold-up-icon-big
189 small 1
Fang-tastic Complete 100 races $100,000 +10
The Goblin Complete 150 races
190 small 1
Something Wicked Complete 200 races
191 small 1
Type Fright-er 50 races in a session $100,000 +10
Little Monster 100 races in a session "Little Monster" +20
Spooky Fast Use 25 nitros $25,000 +10
Count Track-ula Use 50 nitros "Count Track-ula" +20

Note: Achievements with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Season 25
Achievement Requirements Reward Points
In the Spirit Purchase the Rocket Sleigh "In the Spirit" +10
The Snowy Knight Purchase The Snowy Knight "The Snowy Knight" +250
The Rocket Klaus Be a Gold member Gold-up-icon-big
197 small 1
Frosted Roller Complete 100 races
192 small 1
The Golden Ticket! Complete 100 races Gold-up-icon-big
198 small 1
Holiday Heat Complete 250 races
194 small 1
Red Nosed Typist Complete 500 races "Red Nosed Typist" +50
Gingerbread GT Complete 800 races
193 small 1
XMaxxed! 100 races in a session "XMaxxed!" +10
Cold Snap 200 races in a session
195 small 1
Snap, Crackle, Pop Use 200 nitros "Snap, Crackle, Pop" +20
X to the Maxx Use 500 nitros "X to the Maxx" +50

Note: Achievements with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Season 26
Achievement Requirements Reward Points
Rank 1 Complete 25 races
199 small 1
Rank 2 Complete 50 races Gold-up-icon-big $50,000 +10
Rank 3 Complete 75 races Gold-up-icon-big "Secret Admirer" +15
Rank 4 Complete 100 races $75,000 +20
Rank 5 Complete 150 races Gold-up-icon-big $50,000 +25
Rank 6 Complete 200 races Gold-up-icon-big
200 small 1
Rank 7 Complete 250 races "Happy New Year!" +35
Rank 8 Complete 300 races Gold-up-icon-big $100,000 +40
Rank 9 Complete 350 races Gold-up-icon-big $50,000 +45
Rank 10 Complete 400 races $75,000 +50
Rank 11 Complete 450 races Gold-up-icon-big "Valentypist" +55
Rank 12 Complete 500 races Gold-up-icon-big
Nye small
Rank 13 Complete 550 races $100,000 +65
Rank 14 Complete 600 races Gold-up-icon-big $75,000 +70
Rank 15 Complete 650 races Gold-up-icon-big $50,000 +75
Rank 16 Complete 700 races $150,000 +80
Rank 17 Complete 750 races Gold-up-icon-big $75,000 +85
Rank 18 Complete 800 races Gold-up-icon-big $50,000 +90
Rank 19 Complete 850 races "Heart Throb" +95
Rank 20 Complete 900 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +100
Rank 21 Complete 950 races Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +105
Rank 22 Complete 1,000 races Gold-up-icon-big
202 small 1

Season 27 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Points
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big 9 Bit Racer
209 small 1
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +2
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Nitro Pioneer" +3
2 25 races Shimura Tigreen
205 small 1
3 50 races Gold-up-icon-big $50,000 +10
4 75 races Gold-up-icon-big "Bionic" +15
5 100 races Summer Vibes
Sticker 1586306329
6 150 races Gold-up-icon-big $50,000 +25
7 200 races Gold-up-icon-big X1 Eclipse
206 small 1
8 250 races "A E S T H E T I C" +35
9 300 races Gold-up-icon-big $75,000 +40
10 350 races Gold-up-icon-big Mixtape
Sticker 1586306353
11 400 races $100,000 +50
12 450 races Gold-up-icon-big "Shattered" +55
13 500 races Gold-up-icon-big Corsa Error 500
207 small 1
14 550 races $100,000 +65
15 600 races Gold-up-icon-big Speed Kitty
Sticker 1586306308
16 650 races Gold-up-icon-big $5,000 +75
17 700 races Peace & Love
Peace & Love
18 750 races Gold-up-icon-big $75,000 +85
19 800 races Gold-up-icon-big $50,000 +90
20 850 races "NITRO.EXE" +95
21 900 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +100
22 950 races Gold-up-icon-big Rad Rex
Rad Rex
23 1,000 races Gold-up-icon-big Vapor
208 small 1

Season 28 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Chompus' Wild Ride
210 small 1
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Gold Rusher" +2
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Flattened
Sticker 1593875836
2 25 races Whiplash XS
211 small 1
3 50 races Gold-up-icon-big $100,000 +10
4 75 races Gold-up-icon-big "Cuts the Line" +15
5 100 races Wampus World
Sticker 1593628364
6 150 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +25
7 200 races Gold-up-icon-big The Hydro Planer
212 small 1
8 250 races "Tornado Typist" +35
9 300 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +40
10 350 races Gold-up-icon-big Popcorn
Sticker 1593628458
11 400 races $150,000 +50
12 450 races Gold-up-icon-big "Exhibit A" +55
13 500 races Gold-up-icon-big Timber Speeder
213 small 1
14 550 races $175,000 +65
15 600 races Gold-up-icon-big Nitro Balloon
Sticker 1593628545
16 650 races Gold-up-icon-big $200,000 +75
17 700 races GG Ticket
Sticker 1593628585
18 750 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +85
19 800 races Gold-up-icon-big Fist Bump
Sticker 1593628628
20 850 races "Full Throttle" +95
21 900 races Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +100
22 950 races Gold-up-icon-big Finish Line
Sticker 1593628661
23 1,000 races Wampus' Waffle
214 small 1

Season 29 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Webmobile Spider
215 small 1
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +6
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Send It
Sticker 1599248381
2 12 races "Comeback Kid" +12
3 24 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +15
4 36 races $150,000 +18
5 48 races Gold-up-icon-big Creepy
Sticker 1599248416
6 60 races $150,000 +24
7 72 races Winson Evar
216 small 1
8 84 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +30
9 96 races $150,000 +33
10 108 races Gold-up-icon-big Oof
Sticker 1599248438
11 120 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +39
12 132 races "Photo Finisher" +42
13 144 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +45
14 156 races "No Nitros Needed" +48
15 168 races Gold-up-icon-big SpaceZ Crew Draco
217 small 1
16 180 races $150,000 +54
17 192 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +57
18 204 races $150,000 +60
19 216 races Gold-up-icon-big I'll Be Back
Sticker 1599248457
20 228 races Gold-up-icon-big "Turboducken" +66
21 240 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +69
22 252 races $150,000 +72
23 264 races Gold-up-icon-big Flux Sienna
218 small 1
24 276 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +78
25 288 races A+
Sticker 1599248475
26 300 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +84
27 312 races $150,000 +87
28 324 races Gold-up-icon-big "WPM Wonderkid" +90
29 336 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +93
30 348 races $2,000,000 +96
31 360 races Do My Homework
Sticker 1599248493
32 372 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +102
33 384 races $150,000 +105
34 396 races Gold-up-icon-big Gold Star
Sticker 1599248505
35 408 races $150,000 +111
36 420 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +114
37 432 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +117
38 444 races Calculatron
219 small 1

Season 30 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big RRRG
Sticker 1606853077
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +6
2 12 races "Wampus' Little Helper" +9
3 24 races $150,000 +12
4 36 races Gold-up-icon-big The Festivitank
224 small 1
5 48 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +18
6 60 races $150,000 +21
7 72 races XMAXXED
Sticker 1606853132
8 84 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +27
9 96 races $150,000 +30
10 108 races Gold-up-icon-big "Sleigh All Day" +33
11 120 races $150,000 +36
12 132 races Gold-up-icon-big Corsa Xmaxx LT-C
136 small 1
13 144 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +42
14 156 races $150,000 +45
15 168 races Gift of Speed
Sticker 1606853148
16 180 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +51
17 192 races "Up to Snow Good" +54
18 204 races $1,000,000 +57
19 216 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +60
20 228 races Wrapped Flyer
223 small 1

Season 31 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Bubble Tea
Sticker 1608156105
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +6
2 12 races "Ultimate Racer" +9
3 24 races $150,000 +12
4 36 races Gold-up-icon-big Flux Heartbreaker LV-2
243 small 1
5 48 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +18
6 60 races $150,000 +21
7 72 races Clap
Sticker 1608156162
8 84 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +27
9 96 races $150,000 +30
10 108 races Gold-up-icon-big "Cupid's Arrow" +33
11 120 races $150,000 +36
12 132 races Gold-up-icon-big Blitz M6
241 small 1
13 144 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +42
14 156 races $150,000 +45
15 168 races Zzz...
Sticker 1608156617
16 180 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +51
17 192 races "Not a Bot" +54
18 204 races $1,000,000 +57
19 216 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +60
20 228 races The Dominator
242 small 1

Season 32 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Cool as Ice
Sticker 1614090475
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +6
2 12 races "Ice Road Racer" +9
3 24 races $150,000 +12
4 36 races Gold-up-icon-big Maxxbilt Ice Hauler
4812376r287ds small
5 48 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +18
6 60 races $150,000 +21
7 72 races Frozen Racer
Sticker 1614090521
8 84 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +27
9 96 races $150,000 +30
10 108 races Gold-up-icon-big "Winter Warrior" +33
11 120 races $150,000 +36
12 132 races Gold-up-icon-big The Snowy Knight
196 small 1
13 144 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +42
14 156 races $150,000 +45
15 168 races CatJAM
Sticker 1613672659 +48
16 180 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +51
17 192 races "Nitro Libre" +54
18 204 races $1,000,000 +57
19 216 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +60
20 228 races Furious Maxx
Badrax small

Season 33 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Unda da Sea" +4
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Crab Party
Sticker 1617294507
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Stingtec Marianas
H2ocar small
2 20 races I'm Spicy!
127 small 1
3 40 races Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +12
4 60 races $150,000 +15
5 80 races Otter
Sticker 1614800517
6 100 races Gold-up-icon-big $400,000 +21
7 120 races $1,000,000 +24
8 140 races Gold-up-icon-big "Sea Student" +27
9 160 races $200,000 +30
10 180 races Gold-up-icon-big Liberty Travosaurus
179 small 1
11 200 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +36
12 220 races $200,000 +39
13 240 races Gold-up-icon-big Shock
Sticker 1614579002
14 260 races $200,000 +45
15 280 races "Shanty Life 4 Me" +48
16 300 races Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +51
17 320 races Gold-up-icon-big Corsa Mystica
Corsamystica small
18 340 races $1,000,000 +57
19 360 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +60
20 380 races Pineapple
Sticker 1617022287
21 400 races $200,000 +66
22 420 races Gold-up-icon-big "Bubbly!" +69
23 440 races $250,000 +72
24 460 races Gold-up-icon-big Golden Breeze
160 small 1
25 480 races $150,000 +78
26 500 races Starfish
Sticker 1617022271
27 520 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +84
28 540 races $2,000,000 +87
29 560 races Gold-up-icon-big "Aquarian Conqueror" +90
30 580 races Winson Track'd
Amphibbtly small

Season 34 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Trailblazer" +0
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Aloha
Sticker 1621614225
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Stingtec Thunderboat
Jet boat small
2 20 races Liberty Rescue
Lifeguard small
3 40 races Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60 races $150,000 +5
5 80 races Blitz Dune Bounder
Dunebounder small
6 100 races "Trail Angel" +7
7 120 races Gold-up-icon-big $400,000 +8
8 140 races Burnout
Burnout 1622305130
9 160 races $1,000,000 +10
10 180 races Gold-up-icon-big Pineapple Nitro
Sticker 1621949392
11 200 races $200,000 +12
12 220 races Beachball
Beachball 1622305073
13 240 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +14
14 260 races Gold-up-icon-big Beach Ball
Sticker 1621614200
15 280 races $200,000 +16
16 300 races "Single-tracker" +17
17 320 races Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +18
18 340 races Gold-up-icon-big Hydrova OG
Libertyog small
19 360 races $1,000,000 +20
20 380 races Gold-up-icon-big Shark
Shark 1622305166
21 400 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +22
22 420 races $200,000 +23
23 440 races Gold-up-icon-big "Bushwacker" +24
24 460 races $250,000 +25
25 480 races Gold-up-icon-big Bozz Juice'd
Jatv1 small
26 500 races $150,000 +27
27 520 races Racing Shoe
Sticker 1621614251
28 540 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +29
29 560 races Gold-up-icon-big Travel Trailer
Astrailer 1622305002
30 580 races $2,000,000 +31
31 600 races Gold-up-icon-big "Trail Master" +32
32 620 races Corsa Contacc
Corsapunti small

Season 35 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement Points
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Golden Student" +0
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Golden Apple
Sticker 1628096725
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Konirra Celebrar EVO
Kce small
2 20 races Koromoto Rulebreaker
Rulebreaker small
3 40 races Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60 races $150,000 +5
5 80 races Flux Memo
Fluxmemo small
6 100 races Gold-up-icon-big Tiny Paper Planes
Tiny paper planes 1629552451
7 120 races "Oops!" +8
8 140 races Gold-up-icon-big $400,000 +9
9 160 races Confetti
Confetti 1618243534
10 180 races $1,000,000 +11
11 200 races Gold-up-icon-big Grad Wampus
Sticker 1628096757
12 220 races $200,000 +13
13 240 races Chroma Keys
Chromakeys 1629552104
14 260 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +15
15 280 races Gold Stars
Goldstars 1629552180
16 300 races Gold-up-icon-big Tongue Out
Sticker 1628088714
17 320 races $200,000 +18
18 340 races "Endless Summer" +19
19 360 races Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +20
20 380 races The DevasTater
Taterpowered small
21 400 races $1,000,000 +22
22 420 races Gold-up-icon-big Yellow Crayon
Drawing crayon 1629552289
23 440 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +24
24 460 races $200,000 +25
25 480 races Gold-up-icon-big "Bootstrapper" +26
26 500 races $250,000 +27
27 520 races Gold-up-icon-big S’cool B.U.S. Wildn
Jet bus small
28 540 races $150,000 +29
29 560 races Gold-up-icon-big Eraser
Sticker 1628096688
30 580 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +31
31 600 races Gold-up-icon-big Extracurricular
Sportsball 1629552399
32 620 races $2,000,000 +33
33 640 races Gold-up-icon-big "For the Win!" +34
34 660 races Fully Leaded
Fully leaded small
700 races $100,000 +9999

Season 36 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Equinox Enthusiast" +0
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Happy Fall, y'all!
Sticker 1634243644
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Cartrod
Shopping cart small
2 20k XP Blitz 935 Sunset
Blitz 935 small
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP $150,000 +5
5 80k XP Gold-up-icon-big Hay, a Truck
Haytruck small
6 100k XP The Great Pumpkin Chase
Pumpkin 1634476722
7 120k XP "Turkey Roaster" +8
8 140k XP Gold-up-icon-big $400,000 +9
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big Prize Pumpkin
Pumpkin cart 1634476679
10 180k XP $1,000,000 +11
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big Slice of Greatness
Sticker 1634243620
12 220k XP $200,000 +13
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big Autumn Vibe
Autumn vibe 1634476778
14 260k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +15
15 280k XP Covered Wagon
Covered wagon 1634476638
16 300k XP Gold-up-icon-big See you latte!
Sticker 1634243601
17 320k $200,000 +18
18 340k XP "Un-be-leaf-able!" +19
19 360k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +20
20 380k XP Gold-up-icon-big Harvestall Tractor
Tractor small
21 400k XP $1,000,000 +22
22 420k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +23
23 440k XP Gold-up-icon-big Turkey Tail
Turkey tail 1634476749
24 460k XP $200,000 +25
25 480k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Raking in Wins" +26
26 500k XP Hay there!
Sticker 1634243580
27 520k XP $250,000 +28
28 540k XP Gold-up-icon-big "A-maize-ing" +29
29 560k XP Gold-up-icon-big Touchdown!
Sticker 1634243542
30 580k XP Liberty S7
Libertys7a small
620k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 37 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Points
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Breaking the Ice" +0
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Lit Tree
Sticker 1637774058
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big LED Streetracer
Racing led small
2 20k XP Nada Racer
Nadaracer small
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big Corsa XMaxx LT
Corsa xmaxx small
4 60k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +5
5 80k XP Fonicci Candido F8
Candido small
6 100k XP $150,000 +7
7 120k XP Gold-up-icon-big Snowcat Luxe
Snowcat small
8 140k XP Snow
Snow 1638056428
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Lighting Up The Night" +10
10 180k XP Gold-up-icon-big $400,000 +11
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big Sleigh All The Way
Sleigh 1638056395
12 220k XP $1,000,000 +13
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big XMAXXED
Sticker 1606853132
14 260k XP $200,000 +15
15 280k XP Candy Cane Power
Candy cane power 1638056378
16 300k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +17
17 320k XP Seasonal Vibe
Seasonal vibe 1638056416
18 340k XP Gold-up-icon-big Watts Up
19 360k XP $200,000 +20
20 380k XP Gold-up-icon-big The Rocket Klaus
Rocketklaus small
21 400k XP "Elf-Taught Typist" +22
22 420k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +23
23 440k XP Gold-up-icon-big Party Sleigh Neon
Party sleigh small
24 460k XP $1,000,000 +25
25 480k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +26
26 500k XP Gold-up-icon-big Light String
Light string 1638056439
27 520k XP $200,000 +28
28 540k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Heart & Solstice" +29
29 560k XP Warming Up...
Sticker 1637774028
30 580k XP $250,000 +31
31 600k XP Gold-up-icon-big "♪ O, Enter Key ♪" +32
32 620k XP Gold-up-icon-big Red Nosed Wampus
Sticker 1638113833
33 640k XP Lit Locomotive
Lit train small
660k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 38 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "What's Cookin'?" +0
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big You're on a roll!
Sticker 1643303024
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Ice Cream Truck
Icecreamtruck321432 small
2 20k XP Heart-Shaped Car
Heartbox small
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP $150,000 +5
5 80k XP Gold-up-icon-big Fonicci Zucchero
Candycar small
6 100k XP Wake for It
Water 1643315458
7 120k XP "Small Fry" +8
8 140k XP Gold-up-icon-big $400,000 +9
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big Ya' Gonna Ketchup?
Ketchup 1643302913
10 180k XP $1,000,000 +11
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big Try to Ketchup
Sticker 1643303582
12 220k XP $200,000 +13
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big Chatty Hearts
Conversation hearts 1643315531
14 260k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +15
15 280k XP Fruit Salad
Fruit salad 1643553172
16 300k XP Gold-up-icon-big Piece of Cake
Sticker 1643303514
17 320k XP $200,000 +18
18 340k XP "Pasta La Vista!" +19
19 360k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +20
20 380k XP Gold-up-icon-big Blitz Esperante
Panoz small
21 400k XP $1,000,000 +22
22 420k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +23
23 440k XP Gold-up-icon-big Up Right Down Left
Ddrfnf 1643553186
24 460k XP $200,000 +25
25 480k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Bon Appéti​t" +26
26 500k XP No Funds!
Sticker 1630508326
27 520k XP $250,000 +28
28 540k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Executive Chef" +29
29 560k XP Laughing Wampus
Sticker 1630508306
30 580k XP Egg Hauler
152 small 1
660k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 39

Volume 1

Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Ready Racer One?" +0
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big N For Nitro
Sticker 1651260335
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Hydrova Razorback
9678sdafd small
2 20k XP Stingtec Manta
Manta small
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP $250,000 +5
5 80k XP No Name Gander
Sticker 1651260582
6 100k XP Gold-up-icon-big Mathematical
Mathematical 1651262023
7 120k XP $500,000 +8
8 140k XP "Problem Solver" +9
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big NitroStation
Sticker 1651260552
10 180k XP Corsa Error 500
207 small 1
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +12
12 220k XP Shell Shocked
Shells 1651266813
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +14
14 260k XP "Spring Vibin'" +15
15 280k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +16
16 300k XP Abstract 90s
Abstract90s 1651262925
17 320k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Retro Racer" +18
18 340k XP $1,000,000 +19
19 360k XP Gold-up-icon-big GG EZ
Sticker 1651260524
20 380k XP Gold-up-icon-big Radon 620
Radon620c small
420k XP $100,000 +9999

Volume 2

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Speedrunner" +0
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big PC Gamer
Sticker 1651260372
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Bozz Advent
1232fqsd small
2 20k XP Stingtec x427 Super
Supercarrier small
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP $250,000 +5
5 80k XP Keyboard Smash
Sticker 1651260490
6 100k XP Gold-up-icon-big Bricks Ahoy
Bricks 1651261983
7 120k XP $500,000 +8
8 140k XP "Combo Breaker" +9
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big Fowl Chase
Sticker 1651260465
10 180k XP 9 Bit Racer
209 small 1
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +12
12 220k XP Katakana
Kanji 1651263621
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +14
14 260k XP "Continue?" +15
15 280k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +16
16 300k XP Tractor Beam
Tractor beam 1651261886
17 320k XP Gold-up-icon-big "WASD Warrior" +18
18 340k XP $1,000,000 +19
19 360k XP Rocket
Sticker 1624462448
20 380k XP Gold-up-icon-big Sour Truck
Ice cream clown small
420k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 40 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Bringing the Heat" +0
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Chill
Sticker chill
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big AU-79 Mk. 18
Robo small
2 20k XP Koromoto GT-R "Tempest"
Tempest small
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP $250,000 +5
5 80k XP No Bad Days
Sticker 1656630357
6 100k XP Gold-up-icon-big Nebulae
Nebula 1656616004
7 120k XP $500,000 +8
8 140k XP "Yeah, Buoy!" +9
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big Melon Vibes
Sticker 1656687336
10 180k XP Liberty Shellback "Firestorm"
Demon small
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +12
12 220k XP Light Bars
Light bars 1656615883
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +14
14 260k XP "Inferno Racer" +15
15 280k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +16
16 300k XP Toxic Fumes
Toxic vaor 1656615783
17 320k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Wave Breaker" +18
18 340k XP $1,000,000 +19
19 360k XP Corsa Tiesto "Coldsnap"
Coldsnap small
20 380k XP "Vacationer" +21
21 400k XP Flamingo
Sticker 1656683343
22 420k XP Gold-up-icon-big Winson Velox
Sail2132143 small
460k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 41 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Tyrannosaurus Typist" +0
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Offline Dino
Sticker offlinedino
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Liberty Model H
Adfsdsfasd small
2 20k XP Stingtec DL-XT
Drone chariot small
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP $250,000 +5
5 80k XP Mona Wampus
Sticker 1660325095
6 100k XP Gold-up-icon-big T Rex
Trail trex
7 120k XP $500,000 +8
8 140k XP "Imperator" +9
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big Cool Sphinx
Sticker chadsphinx
10 180k XP Stingtec Wells GT
Time machine small
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +12
12 220k XP Time Flies
Trail timeflies
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +14
14 260k XP "Scallywag" +15
15 280k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +16
16 300k XP Earth
Trail earth
17 320k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Pharaoh" +18
18 340k XP $1,000,000 +19
19 360k XP Gold-up-icon-big Chompus' Wild Ride
210 small 1
20 380k XP "Barbarian" +21
21 400k XP Astro on Moon
Sticker moonastro
22 420k XP Gold-up-icon-big S.H.I.P.
Ship of line small
460k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 42 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "World's Best Boss" +0
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Waffle Stack
Sticker EggoWaffles
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big The Nitro Machine
MysteryMachine small
2 20k XP Liberty '81 Chief ST
Hawkins small
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP $250,000 +5
5 80k XP Jellyfish
Sticker SpongeBob Jellyfish
6 100k XP Gold-up-icon-big POW!
Trail pow
7 120k XP $500,000 +8
8 140k XP "Where's the remote?" +9
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big Jello Stapler
Sticker StaplerInJello
10 180k XP Typiano Delivery Van
PizzaBoyVan small
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +12
12 220k XP Nitro Channels
Trail signal
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +14
14 260k XP "Aye-aye Captain!" +15
15 280k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +16
16 300k XP Stranger Lights
Trail strange
17 320k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Broadcaster" +18
18 340k XP $1,000,000 +19
19 360k XP Nitreux Zephyrus
Pagani small
20 380k XP "I'm Ready" +21
21 400k XP Nitro TV
Sticker 1663434062
22 420k XP Gold-up-icon-big Boatie Classic
SpongebobBoatmobile small
460k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 43 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "On Your Marks" +0
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Pedal to the Metal!
Pedal to the metal
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Blitz Tetra S1
324rcds small
2 20k XP Flux XR Sport
413243csdaf small
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP $250,000 +5
5 80k XP Photo Finish!
Photo Finish
6 100k XP Gold-up-icon-big Windy
Windy 1666280461
7 120k XP $500,000 +8
8 140k XP "Rally Master" +9
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big Burning Rubber
Burning Rubber
10 180k XP Bobby Ricky #3
Acrook53 small
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +12
12 220k XP Parachute
Parachute 1666280436
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +14
14 260k XP "Need 4 Speed" +15
15 280k XP Racer Thumbs Up
Racer Thumbsup
16 300k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +17
17 320k XP Flame Decal
Flame decal 1666280396
18 340k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Pit Crew" +19
19 360k XP $1,000,000 +20
20 380k XP Fonicci Rego
Cads34q23 small
21 400k XP "Turbo Typist" +22
22 420k XP Nitro Champ
Sticker 1666278104
23 440k XP Gold-up-icon-big Nitreux F1
F1bug small
480k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 44 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "♪ Rockin’ Around the XMaxx Tree ♪" +0
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Wampus Stuffie
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Frostbite XT
Lambov12 small
2 20k XP The Winter Wonder
Blizferr small
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP Nitro Frosted
5 80k XP $250,000 +6
6 100k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +7
7 120k XP "On Thin Ice" +8
8 140k XP $1,000,000 +9
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big Tow A Tree
Tow tree
10 180k XP FestiveZep
32sacdf321 small
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +12
12 220k XP $250,000 +13
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big "The Mammoth" +14
14 260k XP $250,000 +15
15 280k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +16
16 300k XP Holiday Treats
Holiday treats
17 320k XP Shimura Jolly GTX LG
168 small 1
18 340k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +19
19 360k XP Blitz Slipstream
1234132fadsaf small
20 380k XP Gold-up-icon-big Polar Bear
21 400k XP $250,000 +22
22 420k XP Gold-up-icon-big Gingerbread Racer
Sticker 1669495706
23 440k XP Gold-up-icon-big $750,000 +24
24 460k XP Snowball
25 480k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Red-Nosed Racer" +26
26 500k XP $500,000 +27
27 520k XP Gold-up-icon-big Corsa Festivi-X
145fewe small
28 540k XP Gold-up-icon-big Aurora Nitroalis
29 560k XP Winter Vibes
30 580k XP $2,000,000 +31
31 600k XP "Blizzard Blitzer!" +32
32 620k XP Gold-up-icon-big Maxx'd-Out Shadow Tree
Shadowmaxx small
660k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 45 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Clapper
Sticker 1673528922
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Grab the Popcorn!" +1
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Zon Bike
Zon Bike
2 20k XP Nitreux Azune
Nitreux Azune
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP $250,000 +5
5 80k XP 3D Racer
Sticker 1673529180
6 100k XP Gold-up-icon-big Twister
7 120k XP $500,000 +8
8 140k XP "Ghost Getter" +9
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big Konquest
Sticker 1673529108
10 180k XP Boogeyman Buster
Boogeyman Buster
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +12
12 220k XP Film Strip
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +14
14 260k XP "Secret Agent" +15
15 280k XP Nitro Cola
Sticker 1673529014
16 300k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +17
17 320k XP Explosions!
Pyro 1673545926
18 340k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Great Scott!" +19
19 360k XP $1,000,000 +20
20 380k XP Mach 3 Marvel
Blackbird small
21 400k XP Gold-up-icon-big Boulder Chase
22 420k XP "The Wicked Witch" +23
23 440k XP Gold-up-icon-big RMS Unsinkable
Millionare special small
460k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 46 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Clean Sweep
Clean Sweep
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Petal Pusher" +1
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Fonicci Equinox
Discord small
2 20k XP Winson Maythaw
R1dwqdafa small
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP $250,000 +5
5 80k XP Buzz
6 100k XP Gold-up-icon-big Bubbles
Bubbles trail icon
7 120k XP $500,000 +8
8 140k XP "Spring into Speed" +9
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big Sunny
10 180k XP Koromoto Cerberus
Cerberus small
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +12
12 220k XP Butterflies
Butterflies trail icon
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +14
14 260k XP "Fast and Flora" +15
15 280k XP Springachu
16 300k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +17
17 320k XP Stormy
Stormy Trail icon
18 340k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Fast Forward" +19
19 360k XP $1,000,000 +20
20 380k XP Graffiti Tank
21 400k XP So Fresh, So Clean
So Fresh So Clean
22 420k XP "March Madness Champ" +23
23 440k XP Gold-up-icon-big Kitty
Kitty trail icon
24 460k XP "Seasonal Racer" +25
25 480k XP Gold-up-icon-big Mach 10 Maverick
Darkstar small
520k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 47 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Go Bananas!
Sticker 1683375134
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Wild Thang" +1
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Feline Fury
321ecsaasd small
2 20k XP Expedition Explorer
342rcxas small
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP $250,000 +5
5 80k XP Hard Chargin'
Sticker 1683375113
6 100k XP Gold-up-icon-big Prowling Pursuit
7 120k XP $500,000 +8
8 140k XP Gold-up-icon-big Zebra Zone
name tag
Zebra tag 1683467125
9 160k XP "Savanna Speedster" +10
10 180k XP Gold-up-icon-big Ready, Set, Speed!
Sticker 1683375155
11 200k XP Swamp Speedster
3241cdsewd small
12 220k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +13
13 240k XP Tangle Trail
14 260k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +15
15 280k XP "Roar To Victory" +16
16 300k XP Giraffe Sunset
Sticker 1683375064
17 320k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +18
18 340k XP Banana Barrage
19 360k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Leader of the Pack" +20
20 380k XP $1,000,000 +21
21 400k XP Avian Aero
32ecds22 small
22 420k XP Hippo Chill
Sticker 1683375091
23 440k XP "Ferocious Finisher" +24
24 460k XP Gold-up-icon-big Sunset Silhouette
name tag
Savannah tag 1683469019
25 480k XP Gold-up-icon-big Viper Vortex
23sdqqdcda small
520k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 48 - Back 2 School 2023 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Blitz Nebula
Thex small
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Teacher's Pet
Sticker 1691071382
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Fast Track Flyer" +2
2 20k XP Stingtec F1
09fxdytfc small
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP $250,000 +5
5 80k XP Bookworm
Sticker 1691071346
6 100k XP Gold-up-icon-big Pi
7 120k XP $500,000 +8
8 140k XP Gold-up-icon-big School Bus
name tag
School Bus
9 160k XP "Number Cruncher" +10
10 180k XP Gold-up-icon-big Owl of Wisdom
Owl of Wisdom
11 200k XP Blitz Excalibur GT
Amg small
12 220k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +13
13 240k XP Homework
14 260k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +15
15 280k XP "Speed Scholar" +16
16 300k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +17
17 320k XP Backpack Rocket Booster
Backpack Rocket Booster
18 340k XP Gold-up-icon-big Konirra Celebrar EVO
Celebrarevo small
19 360k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Field Trip Speedrunner" +20
20 380k XP $1,000,000 +21
21 400k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Race Day Prodigy" +22
22 420k XP Fonicci Aegis
5r4876rdfutygvjkb small
23 440k XP Gold-up-icon-big Chalkboard
name tag
24 460k XP "Algebra Ace" +25
25 480k XP Gold-up-icon-big Konirra Apex
56drxchfg small
520k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 49 - Haunted Highways Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Gotham Guardian
Tumbler small
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Witchy Wheels
Witchy Wheels
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Ghostly Gearhead" +2
2 20k XP Happy Fall, y'all!
Sticker 1634243644
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP $250,000 +5
5 80k XP Slice of Greatness
Sticker 1634243620
6 100k XP Gold-up-icon-big The Great Pumpkin Chase
Pumpkin 1634476722
7 120k XP $500,000 +8
8 140k XP Gold-up-icon-big Nitro Spooky
Nitro Spooky
9 160k XP "Pumpkin Peddler" +10
10 180k XP Gold-up-icon-big Jack-o'-Sorcerer
11 200k XP Evergreen Screamer
Scream small
12 220k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +13
13 240k XP This is Bat Country
This is Bat Country
14 260k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +15
15 280k XP "Ghoul's Gold" +16
16 300k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +17
17 320k XP Creepy
Sticker 1599248416
18 340k XP Gold-up-icon-big Sour Truck
Ice cream clown small
19 360k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Spectral Speedster" +20
20 380k XP $1,000,000 +21
21 400k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Witchy Wheeler" +22
22 420k XP Blitz 935 Sunset
Blitz 935 small
23 440k XP Gold-up-icon-big Pumpkin Purr
name tag
Pumpkin Purr
24 460k XP "Batty" +25
25 480k XP Gold-up-icon-big The Midnight Hauler
117 small 1
520k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 50 - Xmaxx 2023 Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Jingle Jockey" +0
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Otter Be Racing!
Sticker 1700774535
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Buddy's Snowmorocket
114 small 1
2 20k XP Travis' Car
101 small 1
3 40k XP Cool Claus
Sticker 1700775212
4 60k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +5
5 80k XP Warming Up...
Sticker 1637774028
6 100k XP $500,000 +7
7 120k XP Gold-up-icon-big Missile Toe H&T
145 small 1
8 140k XP $500,000 +9
9 160k XP Tow A Tree
Tow tree
10 180k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Candy Cane Cruiser" +11
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +12
12 220k XP Party Sleigh
72 small 1
13 240k XP $250,000 +14
14 260k XP Gold-up-icon-big Frosty Fun
name tag
Holiday tag 1700775965
15 280k XP $500,000 +16
16 300k XP Gold-up-icon-big Lit Tree
Sticker 1637774058
17 320k XP "Festive Flash" +18
18 340k XP Gold-up-icon-big Gingerbread Racer H&T
143 small 1
19 360k XP "North Pole Navigator" +20
20 380k XP Ornamental
Ornaments 1700776092
21 400k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +22
22 420k XP Liberty Wraptor GG
173 small 1
23 440k XP Gold-up-icon-big Sir Gifts-a-Lot
Nitro gifts 1700776037
24 460k XP "Reindeer Racer" +25
25 480k XP Gold-up-icon-big Red Nosed Wampus
Sticker 1638113833
26 500k XP Light String
Light string 1638056439
27 520k XP "Frosty Flyer" +28
28 540k XP Gold-up-icon-big The Silent Knight
174 small 1
29 560k XP HNY 2024!
Sticker 1700775722
30 580k XP $2,000,000 +31
31 600k XP Gold-up-icon-big Fonicci Hyperion SS
Fonicci Hyperion SS small
620k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 51 - Mystical March Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Nitreux Quantum
Tbd small
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Happy Flower
Happy Flower
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Titan of the Track" +2
2 20k XP Four Leaf Rover
Fourleafrover small
3 40k XP Lucky Clover
Sticker 1615311903
4 60k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +5
5 80k XP $250,000 +6
6 100k XP Springachu
7 120k XP Gold-up-icon-big Elemental
Elemental trail
8 140k XP $500,000 +9
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big Nitro Comet
Nitro comet
10 180k XP "Phantom Fingers" +11
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big Ollie the Dragon
Ollie the Dragon
12 220k XP S.H.I.P.
Ship of line small
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +14
14 260k XP Rainbow
Rainbow 1618243390
15 280k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +16
16 300k XP "Dragon Tamer" +17
17 320k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +18
18 340k XP Rad Rex
Rad Rex
19 360k XP Gold-up-icon-big Liberty Shellback "Firestorm"
Demon small
20 380k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Mystic Racer" +21
21 400k XP $1,000,000 +22
22 420k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Magical Maestro" +23
23 440k XP Gold-up-icon-big Dragon's Breath
name tag
Dragons breath
24 460k XP "Sorcerer of Speed" +25
25 480k XP Gold-up-icon-big Corsa Mystica
Corsamystica small
520k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 52 - Spring Sprint Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Choppa
Choppa small
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Race Bunny
Sticker 1711735166
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "April Ace" +2
2 20k XP Cal Naughton Jr.
Abutleer12 small
3 40k XP Winged Nitro Cash
Sticker 1614800704
4 60k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +5
5 80k XP $250,000 +6
6 100k XP Fowl Chase
Sticker 1651260465
7 120k XP Gold-up-icon-big Kite
Kite 1711735049
8 140k XP $500,000 +9
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big Sunbeam
Nitro sunbeam 1711735093
10 180k XP "Eggstra Speedy" +11
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big Spring Flag
Sticker 1711735194
12 220k XP Teggsla
149 small 1
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +14
14 260k XP Travel Trailer
Astrailer 1622305002
15 280k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +16
16 300k XP "Spring Streaker" +17
17 320k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +18
18 340k XP Crab
Sticker 1615691630
19 360k XP Gold-up-icon-big B.O.A.T.
126 small 1
20 380k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Blossom Blazer" +21
21 400k XP $1,000,000 +22
22 420k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Raindrop Racer" +23
23 440k XP Gold-up-icon-big Spring
name tag
Spring tag 1711735128
24 460k XP "Dewdrop Drifter" +25
25 480k XP Gold-up-icon-big Corsa Vengenace
Vengeance small
520k XP $100,000 +9999

Season 53 - Star-Spangled Speed Note: Items with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Nitreux Independence
Roadster small
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Hot-Doggin' It
Sticker 1716065757
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Heatwave Hero" +2
2 20k XP Talladega Titan
Hbonacci8 small
3 40k XP No Bad Days
Sticker 1656630357
4 60k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +5
5 80k XP $250,000 +6
6 100k XP Fireworks
Animated fireworks sticker
7 120k XP Gold-up-icon-big Starry Stripes
Star spangled 1716064223
8 140k XP $500,000 +9
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big Flag Force
Nitro patriot 1716064407
10 180k XP "Happy 4th of July!" +11
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big Octo-Chill
Sticker 1716065711
12 220k XP Liberty '41 Woodie Deluxx
83 small 1
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +14
14 260k XP Hotdog
Hotdog 1618243468
15 280k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +16
16 300k XP "Ray of Sunshine" +17
17 320k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +18
18 340k XP Gato Grande
Sticker 1716065617
19 360k XP Gold-up-icon-big Golden Ticket
Golden Ticket
20 380k XP Gold-up-icon-big "*sparkle*" +21
21 400k XP $1,000,000 +22
22 420k XP Gold-up-icon-big "BOOM!" +23
23 440k XP Gold-up-icon-big Eagle Eye
name tag
Eagle tag 1716064267
24 460k XP "Just Roll With It" +25
25 480k XP Gold-up-icon-big Liberty Danger 9
203 small 1
520k XP $100,000 +9999

All season cars


When seasons revolved around leaderboard placements, they were criticized for being too repetitive, which was a result of the admins rarely changing the rewarded titles. They also received backlash with claims of admins "rigging" seasons, such as during seasons 1 and 14, due to bias.


  • The season numbers are not an accurate representation of their true orders, as three more seasons have also taken place:
    • Season 0.5 is considered a season, even though it did not have competitive rewards for placing on the leaderboard.
    • The Back 2 School (2018) season was a competitive season, but it had no identifying season number and took place after Season 16 and before Season 17.
    • Season 39 Nitro Arcade Volumes 1 and 2 are technically different seasons as XP was reset between the two seasons. These seasons also had different rewards.
  • Progress that was made towards a season before it is unlocked will still count.
  • The season with the most rewards was Season 29, which had 37 regular tiers and 3 bonus tiers.