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Nitro Wiki

Season 48, named "Back 2 School 2023", began on August 6, 2023 and ended on October 1, 2023. It featured 6 cars, 6 titles, 7 cash prizes, 4 stickers, 2 trails and 2 name tags.


Main article: Back 2 School 2023 Season Underway!

Welcome back, Nitro Racers!

Are you ready to race your way into an epic new school year? Get your engines revved up because the Back 2 School 2023 season is here! From August 6 to October 1, join us for a thrilling adventure with Nitro Type's latest season. We've got everything you need to make this back-to-school season a blast!


  • 8/4/23: The cars and loot for the season are leaked.
  • 8/6/23: The season begins.
  • 10/1/23: The season ends.


Note: Cars with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Image Name How to Get Corresponding Tier
Thex small
Blitz Nebula Be a Gold member Gold-up-icon-big Bonus Tier
09fxdytfc small
Stingtec F1 Get 20K XP Tier 2
Amg small
Blitz Excalibur GT Get 200K XP Tier 11
Celebrarevo small
Konirra Celebrar EVO Get 340K XP Gold-up-icon-big Tier 18
5r4876rdfutygvjkb small
Fonicci Aegis Get 420K XP Tier 22
56drxchfg small
Konirra Apex Get 480K XP Gold-up-icon-big Tier 25


Note: Titles with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.


Note: Stickers with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.


Note: Trails with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Name tags[]

Both name tags required Gold Membership to earn.


Note: Tiers with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Blitz Nebula
Thex small
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Teacher's Pet
Sticker 1691071382
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Fast Track Flyer" +2
2 20k XP Stingtec F1
09fxdytfc small
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP $250,000 +5
5 80k XP Bookworm
Sticker 1691071346
6 100k XP Gold-up-icon-big Pi
7 120k XP $500,000 +8
8 140k XP Gold-up-icon-big School Bus
name tag
School Bus
9 160k XP "Number Cruncher" +10
10 180k XP Gold-up-icon-big Owl of Wisdom
Owl of Wisdom
11 200k XP Blitz Excalibur GT
Amg small
12 220k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +13
13 240k XP Homework
14 260k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +15
15 280k XP "Speed Scholar" +16
16 300k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +17
17 320k XP Backpack Rocket Booster
Backpack Rocket Booster
18 340k XP Gold-up-icon-big Konirra Celebrar EVO
Celebrarevo small
19 360k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Field Trip Speedrunner" +20
20 380k XP $1,000,000 +21
21 400k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Race Day Prodigy" +22
22 420k XP Fonicci Aegis
5r4876rdfutygvjkb small
23 440k XP Gold-up-icon-big Chalkboard
name tag
24 460k XP "Algebra Ace" +25
25 480k XP Gold-up-icon-big Konirra Apex
56drxchfg small
520k XP $100,000 +9999