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Nitro Wiki

Season 41, named "Back 2 School 2022", began on August 14, 2022 and ended on September 18, 2022. It features 5 cars, 5 titles, 8 cash prizes, 4 stickers, and 3 trails.


Main article: Back 2 School 2022: History Class is Now in Session!

It’s been a little rough getting adjusted (does anybody know any pet stores around here that sell dinosaur food?), but we’ve decided to make the most of these awesome old-school items we’ve got in our hands by using them in our newest Nitro season!

Welcome, one and all, to our annual Back 2 School season! School is revving back up, so everybody find a (driver’s) seat, face the board, and get ready for History Class! 25 tiers await you in this jam-packed school-time season, but with a twist…this reward track is filled to the brim with old-school loot of historical proportions! Cars, stickers, trails, titles, and tons of Nitro Cash are, as always, ready for you to earn!


  • 8/11/22: The cars and loot for the season are leaked.
  • 8/14/22: The season starts.
  • 9/18/22: The season ends.


Note: Cars with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Image Name How to Get Corresponding Tier
Adfsdsfasd small
Liberty Model H Be a Gold member Gold-up-icon-big Bonus Tier
Drone chariot small
Stingtec DL-XT Get 20K XP Rank 2
Time machine small
Stingtec Wells GT Get 180K XP Rank 10
210 small 1
Chompus' Wild Ride Get 380K XP Gold-up-icon-big Rank 19
Center S.H.I.P. Get 440K XP Gold-up-icon-big Rank 22





Note: Tiers with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Tyrannosaurus Typist" +0
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Offline Dino
Sticker offlinedino
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Liberty Model H
Adfsdsfasd small
2 20k XP Stingtec DL-XT
Drone chariot small
3 40k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60k XP $250,000 +5
5 80k XP Mona Wampus
Sticker 1660325095
6 100k XP Gold-up-icon-big T Rex
Trail trex
7 120k XP $500,000 +8
8 140k XP "Imperator" +9
9 160k XP Gold-up-icon-big Cool Sphinx
Sticker chadsphinx
10 180k XP Stingtec Wells GT
Time machine small
11 200k XP Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +12
12 220k XP Time Flies
Trail timeflies
13 240k XP Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +14
14 260k XP "Scallywag" +15
15 280k XP Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +16
16 300k XP Earth
Trail earth
17 320k XP Gold-up-icon-big "Pharaoh" +18
18 340k XP $1,000,000 +19
19 360k XP Gold-up-icon-big Chompus' Wild Ride
210 small 1
20 380k XP "Barbarian" +21
21 400k XP Astro on Moon
Sticker moonastro
22 420k XP Gold-up-icon-big S.H.I.P.
Ship of line small
460k XP $100,000 +9999

