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Nitro Wiki

Season 35, named "Back 2 School 2021", began on August 21, 2021 and ended October 17, 2021. It featured 6 cars, 5 titles, 15 cash prizes, 4 stickers, and 5 trails.


Main article: Back 2 School 2021 Season Is On!

Season 35 - Back 2 School 2021 - drops today!

There's a ton of new stuff to cover, but don't take it from us - check out Ace and NTHub's extensive preview coverage on this Season's goodies... but then come back here for One More Thing they didn't know about...

Watch Ace's awesome YouTube video breaking down B2S 2021!

Or if you prefer your news in 280 character blurbs, check out NTHub's extensive Twitter thread on this season.

Still here? We've got one vehicle that we didn't tell NTHub or Ace about. Making a comeback this season is 2019's Back to School Season car, the DevasTater!


Note: Cars with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Image Name How to Get Corresponding Tier
Celebrarevo small
Konirra Celebrar EVO Be a Gold member Gold-up-icon-big Bonus Tier
Rulebreaker small
Koromoto Rulebreaker Complete 20 races Tier 2
Fluxmemo small
Flux Memo Complete 80 races Tier 5
Taterpowered small
The DevasTater Complete 380 races Tier 20
Jet bus small
S’cool B.U.S. Wildn Complete 520 races Gold-up-icon-big Tier 27
Fullyleaded small
Fully Leaded Complete 660 races Tier 34




Note: Tiers with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement Points
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Golden Student" +0
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Golden Apple
Sticker 1628096725
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Konirra Celebrar EVO
Kce small
2 20 races Koromoto Rulebreaker
Rulebreaker small
3 40 races Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +4
4 60 races $150,000 +5
5 80 races Flux Memo
Fluxmemo small
6 100 races Gold-up-icon-big Tiny Paper Planes
Tiny paper planes 1629552451
7 120 races "Oops!" +8
8 140 races Gold-up-icon-big $400,000 +9
9 160 races Confetti
Confetti 1618243534
10 180 races $1,000,000 +11
11 200 races Gold-up-icon-big Grad Wampus
Sticker 1628096757
12 220 races $200,000 +13
13 240 races Chroma Keys
Chromakeys 1629552104
14 260 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +15
15 280 races Gold Stars
Goldstars 1629552180
16 300 races Gold-up-icon-big Tongue Out
Sticker 1628088714
17 320 races $200,000 +18
18 340 races "Endless Summer" +19
19 360 races Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +20
20 380 races The DevasTater
Taterpowered small
21 400 races $1,000,000 +22
22 420 races Gold-up-icon-big Yellow Crayon
Drawing crayon 1629552289
23 440 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +24
24 460 races $200,000 +25
25 480 races Gold-up-icon-big "Bootstrapper" +26
26 500 races $250,000 +27
27 520 races Gold-up-icon-big S’cool B.U.S. Wildn
Jet bus small
28 540 races $150,000 +29
29 560 races Gold-up-icon-big Eraser
Sticker 1628096688
30 580 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +31
31 600 races Gold-up-icon-big Extracurricular
Sportsball 1629552399
32 620 races $2,000,000 +33
33 640 races Gold-up-icon-big "For the Win!" +34
34 660 races Fully Leaded
Fully leaded small
700 races $100,000 +9999



  • The "Endless Summer" title returned for this season. The title was originally available during the 2013 Summer Event by racing 600 times with a summer car. This is one of 2 titles that has been used in both an event and a season, the other being "Up to Snow Good" which returned for Season 30.
  • Prior to the start of the season, the Fully Leaded and The DevasTater switched places on the Nitro Pass.
  • The season started 5 hours earlier than initially scheduled (9pm EST to 4pm EST).
  • This is the first season to include an "infinite tier," which continually rewards players who race after completing the season.
  • Several celebratory items (such as Konirra Celebrar EVO, Confetti trail, and "For The Win!" title) were included in the season as a way to subtly celebrate Nitro Type's upcoming 10th birthday.
  • Rae helped with the majority of the season rewards.
  • It is the only season to have the infinity tier require races instead of XP.
    • This was the last season to require races, with succeeding seasons requiring XP.
  • The tier 13 Chroma Keys Trail was changed to Legendary rarity.