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Nitro Wiki

Season 32, named "Winter's End", started on February 24, 2021 and ended on April 1, 2021. It featured 3 cars, 3 titles, 12 cash prizes, and 3 stickers.


Main article: Season 32: Winter's End

At long last, Winter’s End is here.

After a winter to end all winters, it’s about time something awesome happened. And right on schedule (ok, maybe not totally on schedule), Season 32: “Winter’s End” starts today.

For vehicles, we’ve got a wintery classic making a comeback, an ice-haulin’ truck, and the animated all-new Furious Max.

Our Winter’s End stickers go ‘brrrrr’ as well, with a frozen racer, a “Cool as Ice” ice cube, and only our second animated sticker ever, CatJAM! You remember CatJAM, right?

Not to mention plenty of cash (over $3M, if you’re a Gold-up-icon-big Nitro Gold member) and new titles to go around.

So get to racing today, because just 20 levels stand between you and beating Winter’s End. But git ‘er done before April 1, because the chilly season will be long gone by then and Spring will have sprung!


  • 2/24/21: The season begins. [1]
  • 4/1/21: The season ends.


Image Name How to Get Corresponding Tier
4812376r287ds small
Maxxbilt Ice Hauler Complete 36 races Gold-up-icon-big Rank 4
196 small 1
The Snowy Knight Complete 132 races Gold-up-icon-big Rank 12
Badrax small
Furious Maxx Complete 228 races Rank 20




Note: Tiers with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Cool as Ice
Sticker 1614090475
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big $500,000 +6
2 12 races "Ice Road Racer" +9
3 24 races $150,000 +12
4 36 races Gold-up-icon-big Maxxbilt Ice Hauler
4812376r287ds small
5 48 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +18
6 60 races $150,000 +21
7 72 races Frozen Racer
Sticker 1614090521
8 84 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +27
9 96 races $150,000 +30
10 108 races Gold-up-icon-big "Winter Warrior" +33
11 120 races $150,000 +36
12 132 races Gold-up-icon-big The Snowy Knight
196 small 1
13 144 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +42
14 156 races $150,000 +45
15 168 races CatJAM
Sticker 1613672659 +48
16 180 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +51
17 192 races "Nitro Libre" +54
18 204 races $1,000,000 +57
19 216 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +60
20 228 races Furious Maxx
Badrax small



  • All of the cars in this season have been re-released in the Shop.