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Nitro Wiki

Not to be confused with Season 32 - Winter's End, the season this news post announces..

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02/23/21 07:00PM By Adrian

At long last, Winter’s End is here.

After a winter to end all winters, it’s about time something awesome happened. And right on schedule (ok, maybe not totally on schedule), Season 32: “Winter’s End” starts today.

3 Cars, including one Animated!

For vehicles, we’ve got a wintery classic making a comeback, an ice-haulin’ truck, and the animated all-new Furious Max.

20210224-063550 furiousmax

3 Stickers, including one Animated!

Our Winter’s End stickers go ‘brrrrr’ as well, with a frozen racer, a “Cool as Ice” ice cube, and only our second animated sticker ever, CatJAM! You remember CatJAM, right?

20210224-063816 catjam

Millions in Cash and Titles

Not to mention plenty of cash (over $3M, if you’re a Gold-up-icon-big Nitro Gold member) and new titles to go around.

Upgrade to Gold-up-icon-big Nitro Gold to unlock all Season tiers     

So get to racing today, because just 20 levels stand between you and beating Winter’s End. But git ‘er done before April 1, because the chilly season will be long gone by then and Spring will have sprung!

PS: Thanks to our diehard fans @NitroTypeHub on Twitter for creating this Season’s blog post image (above). #fanart

ve 2021 News Posts
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