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Nitro Wiki

Season 29 began on September 8, 2020 and ended on December 1, 2020. It featured 5 cars, 5 titles, 23 cash prizes, and 7 stickers.


Main article: Season 29 Underway Now! Nitro Type Turns 9!

Nitro Type is 9! We can hardly believe it either. We’ve made a lot of changes in the last nine years but we’re most excited about what’s happening this season. The coolest move... free cash for everyone!

Some tiers will be big, others small. But they’ll all be fun and fair with lots to earn all around. Gold members still get prize perks with free items unlocking immediately (like that sweet $1 Million bonus just for showing up), but rewards for achieving the next tier have never been clearer. And, so many more of the prizes are now reachable to free players.

The more you race, the more tiers you unlock on the Season Rewards page. There are 15 more tiers than last season (and 15 more rewards to earn), to be exact. It’s as simple as that.

Oh, and it’s easier to achieve those next levels. Now it takes just 12 races to unlock a tier! So, what are you waiting for? Get in there!

Did someone say better prizes? What we meant was more money. At tier 30, everyone gets an instant $2 MILLION cash deposit to use any way you like. All you gotta do is play.


  • 9/5/20: By changing the date on their devices, players discover an exploit that grants early access to the season rewards.
  • 9/6/20: The aforementioned exploit is patched. All cars and loot earned through the exploit are removed, but all cash earned is kept.
  • 9/8/20: The season begins.
  • 12/1/20: The season ends.


Image Name How to Get Corresponding Tier
215 small 1
Webmobile Spider Be a Gold member Gold-up-icon-big Bonus Tier
216 small 1
Winson Evar Complete 72 races Rank 7
217 small 1
SpaceZ Crew Draco Complete 168 races Gold-up-icon-big Rank 15
218 small 1
Flux Sienna Complete 264 races Gold-up-icon-big Rank 23
219 small 1
Calculatron Complete 444 races Rank 38




Note: Tiers with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Achievement
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Webmobile Spider
215 small 1
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big $1,000,000 +6
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big Send It
Sticker 1599248381
2 12 races "Comeback Kid" +12
3 24 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +15
4 36 races $150,000 +18
5 48 races Gold-up-icon-big Creepy
Sticker 1599248416
6 60 races $150,000 +24
7 72 races Winson Evar
216 small 1
8 84 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +30
9 96 races $150,000 +33
10 108 races Gold-up-icon-big Oof
Sticker 1599248438
11 120 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +39
12 132 races "Photo Finisher" +42
13 144 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +45
14 156 races "No Nitros Needed" +48
15 168 races Gold-up-icon-big SpaceZ Crew Draco
217 small 1
16 180 races $150,000 +54
17 192 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +57
18 204 races $150,000 +60
19 216 races Gold-up-icon-big I'll Be Back
Sticker 1599248457
20 228 races Gold-up-icon-big "Turboducken" +66
21 240 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +69
22 252 races $150,000 +72
23 264 races Gold-up-icon-big Flux Sienna
218 small 1
24 276 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +78
25 288 races A+
Sticker 1599248475
26 300 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +84
27 312 races $150,000 +87
28 324 races Gold-up-icon-big "WPM Wonderkid" +90
29 336 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +93
30 348 races $2,000,000 +96
31 360 races Do My Homework
Sticker 1599248493
32 372 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +102
33 384 races $150,000 +105
34 396 races Gold-up-icon-big Gold Star
Sticker 1599248505
35 408 races $150,000 +111
36 420 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +114
37 432 races Gold-up-icon-big $150,000 +117
38 444 races Calculatron
219 small 1


  • Of the season cars, 4 of the 5 are original. The one that isn't is the Webmobile Spider, which is a variant of The Gotham.
  • This season had the most tiers, with 37 normal tiers and 3 bonus tiers.
  • This season and Season 30 - XMaxx 2020 had a feature where you could view the season rewards before the season was released.
  • This was the last season to have an event run through it.

