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Nitro Wiki

Season 27, named "Neon Spring", began on April 8, 2020 and ended on July 3, 2020. It featured 5 cars, 5 titles, 10 cash prizes, and 5 stickers.


  • 4/3/2020: The season start date is postponed from April 6 to April 8.
  • 4/8/2020: The season begins. [1]
  • 5/20/2020: The season page is created, which replaced all of the former season achievements with the Nitro Pass.
  • 5/20/2020: The 9 Bit Racer is released.
  • 6/24/2020: The season's end date is pushed back to July 4th.
  • 7/3/2020: The season ends 8 hours early.


Image Name How to Get Corresponding Achievement
205 small 1
Shimura Tigreen Complete 25 races Rank 1
206 small 1
X1 Eclipse Complete 200 races Gold-up-icon-big Rank 6
207 small 1
Corsa Error 500 Complete 500 races Gold-up-icon-big Rank 12
208 small 1
Vapor Complete 1,000 races Gold-up-icon-big Rank 22
209 small 1
9 Bit Racer Be a Gold member Gold-up-icon-big Bonus Tier




Note: Tiers with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to complete.

Tier Tier Requirements Reward Image Points
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big 9 Bit Racer
209 small 1
N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +2
1 N/A: Bonus Tier Gold-up-icon-big "Nitro Pioneer" +3
2 25 races Shimura Tigreen
205 small 1
3 50 races Gold-up-icon-big $50,000 +10
4 75 races Gold-up-icon-big "Bionic" +15
5 100 races Summer Vibes
Sticker 1586306329
6 150 races Gold-up-icon-big $50,000 +25
7 200 races Gold-up-icon-big X1 Eclipse
206 small 1
8 250 races "A E S T H E T I C" +35
9 300 races Gold-up-icon-big $75,000 +40
10 350 races Gold-up-icon-big Mixtape
Sticker 1586306353
11 400 races $100,000 +50
12 450 races Gold-up-icon-big "Shattered" +55
13 500 races Gold-up-icon-big Corsa Error 500
207 small 1
14 550 races $100,000 +65
15 600 races Gold-up-icon-big Speed Kitty
Sticker 1586306308
16 650 races Gold-up-icon-big $5,000 +75
17 700 races Peace & Love
Peace & Love
18 750 races Gold-up-icon-big $75,000 +85
19 800 races Gold-up-icon-big $50,000 +90
20 850 races "NITRO.EXE" +95
21 900 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +100
22 950 races Gold-up-icon-big Rad Rex
Rad Rex
23 1,000 races Gold-up-icon-big Vapor
208 small 1

Removed Achievements[]

Season 27
Achievement Requirements Reward Points
Rank 1 Complete 25 races
205 small 1
Rank 2 Complete 50 races Gold-up-icon-big $50,000 +10
Rank 3 Complete 75 races Gold-up-icon-big "Bionic" +15
Rank 4 Complete 100 races
Sticker 1586306329
Rank 5 Complete 150 races Gold-up-icon-big $50,000 +25
Rank 6 Complete 200 races Gold-up-icon-big
206 small 1
Rank 7 Complete 250 races "A E S T H E T I C" +35
Rank 8 Complete 300 races Gold-up-icon-big $100,000 +40
Rank 9 Complete 350 races Gold-up-icon-big
Sticker 1586306353
Rank 10 Complete 400 races $75,000 +50
Rank 11 Complete 450 races Gold-up-icon-big "Shattered" +55
Rank 12 Complete 500 races Gold-up-icon-big
207 small 1
Rank 13 Complete 550 races $100,000 +65
Rank 14 Complete 600 races Gold-up-icon-big
Sticker 1586306308
Rank 15 Complete 650 races Gold-up-icon-big $50,000 +75
Rank 16 Complete 700 races
Peace & Love
Rank 17 Complete 750 races Gold-up-icon-big $75,000 +85
Rank 18 Complete 800 races Gold-up-icon-big $50,000 +90
Rank 19 Complete 850 races "NITRO.EXE" +95
Rank 20 Complete 900 races Gold-up-icon-big $250,000 +100
Rank 21 Complete 950 races Gold-up-icon-big
Rad Rex
Rank 22 Complete 1,000 races Gold-up-icon-big
208 small 1


  • It followed the exact same achievement structure as Season 26, except with stickers in place of some cash rewards.
  • It was the first season to award stickers as achievement prizes.
  • It was also the first season to incorporate tiers and the Nitro Pass.
  • Of the season cars, 3 of the 5 are original. The 9 Bit Racer is a variant of the 8 Bit Racer and The Vapor is a variant of the Flux Capacitor.
  • The season's theme and art style pays homage to the Vaporwave art style.

