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07/08/19 03:11PM By Travis

Season 22 Starts July 17!

Season 22 is Coming…

It’s been quite a busy season, to say the least: we brought out brand new cars and titles, the Nitro Type Teacher Portal was released, and of course, we delivered Nitro Type v3… which you could say was a pretty buggy experience at first!

We know you all have been pretty tide down with Season 21 but, as it comes to a close, we’re excited to roll out Season 22!

At Nitro Type HQ we value secrecy for our new events but we thought it would be fun to see if you guys and gals can guess what the new cars will be! These new rewards are pretty sand-tastic to say the least, but we don’t want to fire out too much information now; that would ruin the hype!

As usual, this season will deliver 2 new cars, 2 new titles, and 3 more cash prizes. We may even bring out a special reward for our wonderful Gold members… we’ll see ;).

Without further ado, here are some teaser images so you all can do some sleuthing:

20190709-083130 car2teaser
20190709-083111 car1teaser

Best of luck figuring it out! Season 22 begins on July 17, so keep typing and race on!

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