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Nitro Wiki

Season 22 was originally announced on June 27, 2019, began on July 17, 2019 and ended on August 30, 2019. It featured 3 cars, 2 titles, and 3 cash prizes.


Main article: Season 22 is Here!

Ah, Summertime: a time of beach vacations, BBQ’s, suntanning and of course, some epic new Nitro Type achievements!

Yes, that is right, Season 22 is a “Summer” themed season. We have packed some cool new titles, cash rewards, and cars so scorching that SPF 100 is a necessity.


  • 6/27/19: asssa123 sets up a poll on the Nitro Type Discord server which two cars (out of 3 options) should be in the season.
  • 7/10/19: The news post introducing Season 22 is released. [1]
  • 7/17/19: The season starts.
  • 8/30/19: The season ends.


Car Picture Name How to get Corresponding Achievement
181 small 1
Sandstorm Complete 150 races Sandstorm
182 small 1
The Jury Complete 200 races The Jury
183 small 1
The Goldfish Be a Gold Member Goldfishin'



Note: Achievements with the Nitro Gold icon Gold-up-icon-big next to them required Gold Membership to earn.

Season 22
Achievement Requirements Reward Points
Beach Day! Complete 100 races $500,000 +10
Sandstorm Complete 150 races
181 small 1
The Jury Complete 200 races
182 small 1
Goldfishin' Be a Gold member Gold-up-icon-big
183 small 1
'Tis the Sea-sun! 50 races in a session $1,000,000 +20
Tide Down 100 races in a session "Tide Down" +10
Buggy Racer Use 50 nitros $250,000 +20
I Have Fans! Use 150 nitros "I Have Fans!" +50


  • Many of the achievements in Season 22 follow the pattern of Season 21 achievements.
  • Because asssa123 stressed that Season 22 must start on the 17th, the end date of Season 21 was moved from the 17th to the 14th.
  • None of the cars in the season are original. The Sandstorm is a variant of the Sun Buggie, The Jury is a variant of The Judge, and The Goldfish is a variant of the B.O.A.T..