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Nitro Wiki

Note: This article is about the car. For the achievement, see Screw Tank (Achievement).

The Screw Tank is a car that could be obtained by completing the Screw Tank achievement, which required logging in during the #NitroFurze Event.


  • This car was originally released for Colin Furze on October 15, 2020, and later released for all players on November 10, 2020.
  • Formerly, when equipped in the Garage, Colin's YouTube branding was displayed and, when clicked, took the player to Colin's finalized Screw Tank video. [1]
    • The branding is no longer visible after the October 16, 2021, garage layout update.
  • This is the first non-Gold member car that had no requirement except logging in during an event timeframe. The other two cars in the #NitroFurze Event also had no requirement other than logging in.
  • This was the first fully animated car.
  • The person riding it is Colin Furze, the inventor of the screw tank that this car is based on.
