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Nitro Wiki
Nitro Wiki
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This is a disbanded team.

This was once an available team, but now has been removed.

Scoreboard Dominators, or better known as [SBD], was a team that was created by Gamerman180 on June 13, 2014. Before the release of teams, it was first a clan, of which its original founders were zozomaster, Gamerman180, Tauriel, Lightning333, and cderdena10, and has been around since February 2014.


Originally, the requirements were going to be 100 WPM and level 100, but were changed due to the fact that a few of the members didn't meet those requirements. The current requirements are any number of races and 70 WPM.


The team was originally a powerhouse from the clan's creation up until August-September 2014, when the team's members began to focus more on school and other games. Teams such as NTS and NTDT began to rise above it, and the team stopped recruiting new members in January 2015. Many of the team's current members are the original clan and team members, but most of them are no longer active on Nitro Type.

Methods of communication[]

The team had a shivtr site. It can be found at

Related Pages[]

Teams/pages related to SBD and its community.

Shivtr Allies[]

Related Clans/Teams[]

Adversary Clans/Teams[]
