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Nitro Wiki

SHARKS, or [5HRK], is a team that was formed by SharkKey on January 15, 2019. It is a team that aims to have a chill and relaxing environment as well as to avoid drama. It has had a high amount of presence on the leaderboards since its creation and is known for having racers excelling in activity, speed, and accuracy.


  • Complete 500 Races
  • 40 WPM

Season Placements[]

Season 22: 6th

Season 23: 8th

Season 24: 10th

Season 25: 6th

Season 26: 3rd

Season 27: 1st

Season 28: 4th

Season 29: 54th


Current Officers:[]

Previous Officers:[]


In Season 26, 5HRK received many TBZ members after their disbandment, including the captain, Titanium_Tendons, and almost all of their officers. This helped to boost their race count and make others more aware of the team in the Nitro Type community, barely taking third place on the last day of the season from TALK.


In Season 27, 5HRK, fueled by its continuously high race counts and average daily speeds of over 100 WPM, broke the 100 million point milestone and also set the current point record for most points in a season at 116,067,847 points and 807,237 races. This equates to an average of about 180 races per day per person (assuming there were 50 people on the team), though at any given point there were two people doing 1,000 races a day. Active members contributing to 5HRK's reign included: Kocho, Wizard, Aid, Wisely, Morries, Sapphire, Mal, Chief Nick, Sharkkey, Bugbear, and anT. Adding to their superiority, 5HRK had active racers from all over the world (from America to Europe to Singapore). On June 6th, 2020, all of the top 6 racers on the season leaderboards were all in 5HRK.

5HRK continued to rank high on the leaderboards in Season 28, but fell after Kocho, their top racer, and Mal left the team. 5HRK has since waived all requirements and gone inactive, with only legacy members (most of which are now semi-active) and their friends being left on the team.
