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Nitro Wiki
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Rocky Roo was a PAC Event car.

If used during the 2018 PAC Event, players earned 25% extra cash and XP from each race.


The Rocky Roo is a car that could be purchased from the Dealership during the 2018 PAC Event, which would complete the PAC Basic achievement.


  • It is one of the two PAC cars, with the other being the NitroPAC.
  • It could be purchased two days early due to the accidental release of the event.
  • It has been stated that this car is unlikely to ever return, possibly due to its sponsorship status.
  • This car was featured in a news post interviewing team RCWS.
  • ily2thestars received this car after it was made unobtainable.
  • It is based on PAC Performance's Mazda6 SP.
