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Nitro Wiki

The Rental Car was a car that was reserved for guest racers and new users. It cannot be obtained or painted by registered users, although its paint jobs can still be found in the game's files. It was made unobtainable on June 5, 2021, and the Flux Cooper became the new default car for new accounts.


  • This and the Wampus are the only cars that cost $0.
  • It is similar to the Blitz C-64.
  • There was a known glitch in which a new account can keep the Rental Car by leaving the qualifying race after making an account and starting/entering a friend race. To keep this car, the player would have to not equip any other cars they earn or purchase.
    • When one makes an account with the Rental Car glitch, the car will not show up in their garage.
    • This glitch was patched as the Flux Cooper became the new default car for new accounts.
  • Kristen Smith owned this car on one of her alts, making her the only person to own this car in the garage.
  • When someone goes into a friends race logged out and the person is there, the Rental Car will show up, they will be named Guest Racer, and they will have the "Accountless One" title.
  • There is a skin for this car, which Travis said was a mistake by Nitro's car designer.
  • This car was skinned for the spring cars when the 2018 Spring Fever Event was released too early and the car images were unavailable. The cars that were affected were the Teggsla, Egg Beater, Eggcedes, and the Egg Hauler.
    • Tests have been conducted to prove that it is just skinned in for guest racers, rather than being actually given.
      • A user once jokingly asked for the Rental Car, and Travis responded that the game would automatically take away the car, further confirming this.
  • There was a glitch in the alpha testing website for Nitro Type v3 in which a registered user who had this car could paint it. After completing the action, the user would be redirected to an error page, but the car would still be painted.
  • When an officer of a team updates the Message of the Day and then leaves the team, it shows their car as the Rental Car.
  • The "Paint Car" option was still available for the Rental Car in the beta testing website for v3, but instead of allowing one to paint the car, it stated that the user did not own the car.
    • However, using the new account loophole, one can paint the Rental Car and can even apply a trail to it with the Customizer. This is notable because guest racers can't access the customizer, making this the only way to actually paint and use the Rental Car.
  • The Rental Car drives by the car selected in the Customizer.
  • There is currently a glitch on Nitro Math which causes the most recent daily shop cars to appear as the rental car during games, as well as some other cars, especially when a new season begins.
  • It is based on a Suzuki Aerio.
