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Nitro Wiki

For an overview of how the leaderboards feature works, see Leaderboards.

With the removal of many of the leaderboards from the Nitro Type site on January 10, 2021, many players have made their own player-created leaderboards. Below is a list of some of the more notable ones.


The player-created leaderboards are not official and the players who create them can only work with the data that they have on hand. This means that it is possible that racers and teams are missing from their spreadsheets. It is best to contact them to request to add more racers or teams to their spreadsheet.

Data Sources[]

Most third-party leaderboard data is derived from NitroType's JSON APIs. The Season API was added in August 2021, as documented in the updates here. Weekly API documents teams, weekly races, and points in a rolling 7-day period, and is the basis for determining top team badges.

OnRender Leaderboard[]

This leaderboard was created by Tommy_14, which can be accessed here. Although it consists of multiple leaderboard categories similar to other player-created leaderboards, it is by far the most comprehensive. Unlike other leaderboards that are in a spreadsheet format, this leaderboard remains faithful to the design of Nitro Type's former leaderboards.

D1sRuPti0n's Leaderboards[]

D1sRuPti0n has made many Nitro Type leaderboards and compiled most of them into a spreadsheet which can be found here.

In addition to his Nitro Type leaderboards, D1sRuPti0n also has Nitro Math leaderboards. He complied most of them into a spreadsheet which can be found here.

Individual Leaderboard[]

These leaderboards covers the top racers in the last 7 days. Exact placements for each racer are known. Racers which are not in the database are signified with a "-".

Season Leaderboard[]

These individual and team leaderboards signify the top racers and teams of the current season.

User & Team Data[]

The spreadsheet also contains information about user data and team data, which is helpful for reference.

Extended Hall of Fame[]

D1sRuPti0n has a separate spreadsheet used to compile an expansive Hall of Fame, which can be found here. It contains every single player found in the database.

Nate Dogg's Leaderboards[]

Nate Dogg has also made many Nitro Type leaderboards, which can viewed here.

Individual Leaderboards[]

He has a 24 hour leaderboard. Any racer in his database that has raced within the last 24 hours appears here. He also has a 7 day leaderboard for the top 300 racers. As the exact placements are known, racers which aren't in his database aren't shown. He also has a season leaderboard that tracks the players that have gotten the most points during the current season.

Team Leaderboards[]

He has a spreadsheet for 24 hour, 7 day, and season team leaderboards.

Popular Cars[]

Even though this isn't one of the previous leaderboard sections, he has a spreadsheet that lists the most used cars out of players in his database, as well as some other interesting statistics.

Hall of Fame[]

He has an expansive list of sections from the Hall of Fame, labelled under the spreadsheets "Top Team & Racer" and "Hall of Fame". This data is compiled by D1sRuPti0n and Nate Dogg.

Bremitorix's Leaderboards[]

Bremitorix has archived many Nitro Type leaderboards, for both team and individual statistics going back to Season 0.5. Unlike the other leaderboards on this list, this is not an active leaderboard. Rather, it functions as an archive for the previous leaderboards removed by the January 10, 2021 update.

Individual Leaderboard[]

He has an individual leaderboard spreadsheet with data from Season 0.5 to Season 29. It showcases the top 100 racers for each season. It includes pieces of trivia about each season and both races per day and points per day calculations. It also includes points per day adjusted for long races for Seasons 25-29. All seasons include basic relevant information like WPM, races completed, points accrued, links to players, etc.

Team Leaderboard[]

He has a team leaderboard spreadsheet with data from Season 0.5 to Season 29. It includes the top 10 teams from each season, the races they completed during a given season, the points they accrued, as well as whether they disbanded after a season.

Nusakan's Leaderboards[]

Nusakan has created a season leaderboard on the homepage of As of May 4, 2024, highlights from the leaderboards on the home page include that for the most active teams (racers must have completed at least 15 races during the time period to be considered), power racers, fastest teams, fastest racers, most accurate teams (among those with at least 5 active racers), and most accurate racers (minimum 15 races during the time period), as well as streaks (100+ races a day). Teams that bot are actively removed from the season leaderboards. More detailed leaderboards can be seen on the leaderboard tab.

Tarif's Leaderboard[]

Tarif has has created an archive of all users who have race counts of 300,000+. It also includes detailed statistics about each user, including creation date and race/time calculations.

It is manually updated every time a new person has achieved 300,000 races, or if a user has been banned from Nitro Type that previously had over 300,000 races.
