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Nitro Wiki

Pinks R2 W1ld, or [PR2W], previously known as Wamz Dream Team/WAMZters or [WAMZ], is a team that was created on July 4, 2020 by ✨꧁⚽WF⚽꧂✨ (Wildflower).


  • Complete 500 Races
  • 60 WPM
  • 50 races on join/day
  • 90%+ accuracy


  • A fully updated list of members can be found here.

Season Placements[]


  • On June 2, 2021, the ownership of the team was transferred from ✨꧁⚽WF⚽꧂✨ to pinkyone, making PR2W the third team to transfer team ownership, the first two being NTA and RRR1.
  • The team was named after pinkyone, R2-D2, and Wildflower.
  • During Thanksgiving, they changed their team name to "Pinks R2 Thankful" and their team color to orange.
  • PR2W would have won Season 37 in the last 7 days, if it were not for the 1 week season extension.
  • After being less active for about a month, a past PR2W member with almost 200k team races, Snake, returned to PR2W during the beginning of Season 38, but later went inactive again halfway through the season.
  • PR2W would have also won Season 38 in the season points, if it were not for the 1 month season extension.
  • PR2W hit 5 million team races on September 18, 2022, the second team to do so in NT history, other than SSH.