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Nitro Wiki

NoThisIsJohn, is a most notable for being Nitro Type YouTuber with over 70,000 subscribers and being one of the fastest racers on the site. He was in the top 3 in WPM on the leaderboards for several months at a time. He is the second person to obtain the Please Like trail and the "Please Subscribe" title after PenguinTyper. He is also one of the four users to have the Liberty YT-5K.


John started out with successive Nitro Type clans around 2013-2014 and was involved in the early Nitro Type Skype community among many other notable players including Vielle, Tauriel, and ShiftThePro. He had a role in reporting to the admins the news hysteria that occurred around the time, and indirectly resulting in Vielle's ban initially, although this did not have an impact as he would continue to be good friends alongside Vielle back in the SBD Shivtr and unofficial Nitro Type Discord community. John had a notable role on TypeRacer and the typing scene when his YouTube channel blew up, with the channel having originally starting out with Nitro Type content in 2014.

John is one of the most popular YouTubers with a channel dedicated to typing, but he did not get the title or trail until Vielle reached out to the admins for the rewards.


  • John participated in the 2020 Ultimate Typing Championship alongside other notable Nitro Typists including Vielle, Angelo, FireWolfRain, Kathy, and Sean Wrona.
    • He initially placed #25, barely making the cut for the qualifications and he eventually placed #12 in the championship afterward, only behind Angelo.